Every dollar counts-your donation will empower change, build resilience, increase advocacy, and engage youth for the future of the islands.
become a member
Become a member or renew your membership today! Your membership matters because your voice is as powerful as your donation. Together we protect and restore the islands and Salish Sea through grassroots advocacy, education, youth mentorship and keeping you informed and engaged! Join today!
set up a recurring gift
Set up a recurring donation-monthly, quarterly or annually. Recurring support is predictable revenue for sustainable mission driven work that brings about sustainable change and protects this amazing place.
donate through DAF
Our partners make it easier for you to support the critical work to protect what you love through your donor advised fund. Together we are empowered to protect what you love.
Donate through DAF: DAF Direct, Fidelity, Schwab, Vanguard.
donate stock
Friends has joined Stock Donator to enable an efficient, quick avenue to donate.
set up planned giving
You do not have to tell us that you are leaving a gift. If you want to, we are here to listen and discuss your decision in greater detail, so that you trust we will make the most of your gift and your legacy.
have a professional set up planned giving
If you are an attorney or financial advisor with a client wishing to leave a gift in their will to Friends of the San Juans, please pass on our sincerest gratitude for their intention to provide a powerful and lasting legacy to protect what we love for future generations.
leave a legacy
A legacy gift is a meaningful way to share your values and ensure your vision is carried forward for future generations.
contribute to or create an endowment
Endowments will provide a secure stream of investment income now and in the future. Friend’s endowment funds are professionally managed and operated under the authority of the Board of Directors Finance Committee.