We bring people and nature together to protect the San Juan Islands and the Salish Sea through education, science, policy and law.
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What’s New With Friends?

Loving the environment is not enough. Protect this place.

Restoring our ecosystems takes science, education, policy, and law. Protect this place.

Keeping our seas healthy takes vigilance and proactive action. Protect this place.

Safeguarding our farms and forestlands takes advocacy and community action. Protect this place.

Our islands support an intricate ecological connection between land and sea. Protect this place.

The Salish Sea is like nowhere else on earth. Protect this place.
Community-driven action, by the numbers
years of bringing people and nature together to protect the San Juans Islands and the Salish Sea through education, science, policy and law.
youth have experienced
life under the water through
our Immersive Salish Sea Education Program.
shoreline homeowners have been
empowered and educated
to manage their property in harmony with the ecosystem.
people signed Friends’ petition
in support of improved
oil transfer safety rules in the Salish Sea.
volunteer hours searching
for forage fish eggs
on 95 beaches.

Friends of the San Juans respectfully honors that this beautiful place we strive to protect and restore comprises the lands, waters, and tangible and intangible resources of the Northern Straits peoples, which consisted of the Sooke, Songhees, Saanich, and Semiahmoo bands of British Columbia and Lummi and Samish Tribes of Washington. We honor the salmon, the orca, and the plants and creatures that make the islands and the Salish Sea unique and significant. We have much to learn from the Tribes who have cared for and stewarded the San Juan Islands and the Salish Sea since time immemorial—and continue to do so. We honor the inherent Treaty Rights passed down from generation to generation. Our community shares the responsibility of upholding Treaty Rights entered into by the leaders of sovereign nations, including the United States.