Friends of the San Juans

page: 20

Meet Jess, our new Marine Program Assistant!

November 28, 2018

We are excited to welcome Jess Newley to our team as the new Marine Program Assistant!   Jess has been passionate about marine conservation since her first SCUBA dive under the surface 10 years ago. What some would call an obsession, this passion has led her down a path with a career in science education ... read more

Help us meet our $40,000 fundraising match! Support the Southern Resident Orcas by donating today!

November 27, 2018

The heartbreaking struggle and loss of two Southern Resident orcas this summer opened people’s eyes. What can we do to help protect and recover the Southern Resident orcas? There are many actions to be taken to ensure these whales have healthy and quiet waters that are abundant with salmon. You can help implement some of ... read more

Comment on Canada’s Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion project by November 20th!

November 15, 2018

Since 2014, we have been sending letters to Canada’s National Energy Board (NEB) to protect our shorelines and the Southern Resident Killer Whales from the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion project. The increased risk of diluted bitumen (dilbit) Alberta Tar Sands crude oil spills in our waters and the Southern Residents’ critical habitat is not justified ... read more

Action Alert: Ensure oil spill prevention and response readiness in the Salish Sea!

November 8, 2018

Washington State requires refineries to have a state-approved oil spill response plan that ensures their ability to respond to major oil spills. Ecology is asking for public comments on the contingency plan for the Anacortes refinery that used to be called Tesoro, was then re-branded as Andeavor, and has now been bought by Marathon Oil. Your ... read more

Purchase artisan salmon at Crow Valley Gallery to support orca!

November 6, 2018

Crow Valley Gallery, local artist Esther Clark, and Friends of the San Juans have partnered to protect what we love! Purchase one of a kind, locally-made artisan salmon at Crow Valley Gallery in Eastsound to support orca and the Salish Sea food chain. The ceramic salmon are $250 and Friends of the San Juans will ... read more

Friends Apparel for the Holidays! Order by 11/15.

November 1, 2018

Orcas need salmon, salmon need forage fish, and forage fish need natural beaches. If any part of the equation doesn’t work, the whole chain falls apart. Help us spread this important message by wearing it around your community! We’re taking orders for Friends apparel through November 15th. They’ll make great holiday gifts! The back is pictured below and ... read more

It’s “The Last Straw” for the San Juans!

November 1, 2018

Did you know that we use over 500 million plastic straws in the United States every day? And that by the year 2050 there will be more plastic trash in the ocean than fish? Friends of the San Juans, San Juan County Solid Waste and Marine Resources Committee, Orcas Recycling Services, and Lopez Solid Waste ... read more

Vote for Clean Air & Climate Action – YES on 1631!

October 23, 2018

On Monday, October 8, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the leading international body for the assessment of climate change, told us that we have 12 years to limit climate change catastrophe. This is an urgent call to action.  We must move faster to lower greenhouse gas emissions – Washington state citizens can play an important role in this effort by voting ... read more

Action Alert: Speak up for Southern Resident Killer Whales this Week!

October 11, 2018

Governor Inslee’s Southern Resident Killer Whale Recovery and Task Force has issued the updated draft recommendations for actions to recover Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKW). Show your support for SRKW protection and recovery actions by taking the survey! Click here for the online public comment portal. Comments must be submitted no later than midnight, Monday October 29, via the Task Force ... read more

Orca Action Alert: The Governor’s task force needs to hear from you!

October 3, 2018

With only 74 left, scientists fear that the Southern Resident Killer Whale (SRKW) population is reaching a tipping point towards extinction. The Governor’s SRKW Recovery Task Force and working groups for vessel noise, pollution, and food have made their recommendations. Now they want to hear from you by October 7. Click here to read the draft report.  ... read more

I have supported the mission of the Friends of the San Juans through the years because it is a citizen-advocacy organization devoted to protecting, preserving, and restoring the natural shorelines and native habitats in the San Juans and surrounding waters through science and education for generations to come.

Bob Porter

member, Lopez Island