youth for change

Calling all Orcas and San Juan high school students interested in environmental action! 

Do you have a passion for the environment? Do you wish to see change in your community? Are you excited to collaborate with other youth to achieve change?

Join the Youth for Change Environmental Leadership Club!

Youth for Change provides an opportunity for you to share ideas, learn about environmental challenges in the community, engage in local stewardship projects, and work together with your peers. 

You can also earn a $200 stipend for your time and effort.

Together, we will…

  • Engage in community and environmental action;
  • Gain leadership, communication, and collaboration skills; 
  • Address important community needs; and
  • Meet with local and state government leaders.


  • Attend weekly in-person meetings from January to May 2022. 
  • Plan and implement a community action project.
  • COVID protocols will be in place and masks must be worn to ensure everyone’s safety.

Applications are due December 8th, 2021. 

Questions? Please contact: Jess Newley, Friends’ Education and Outreach Manager

With Friends’ help, I have traveled to Seattle to attend an environmental conference led by Al Gore, interviewed county council members running for office, and dove into a deep research project about the waste management system in the islands. – Linnea, Senior 2021, Orcas Island

I’m interested in environmental science and maybe taking a policy perspective. It’s been something I’ve been interested in since the first time you took us to Olympia. I really loved walking the halls of the capital building and could see myself there working on environmental policy. Everything I’ve done with you and Friends really has had an impact on what I want to study! – Ayla, Senior 2021, San Juan Island

Working with Friends of the San Juan’s has influenced me in so many ways. It’s shown me the direction I want to go and it’s showed me how to get there. I have met so many incredible people who have given me their time and the resources to do what I love. I am so grateful for all the meetings we’ve had over the years and what they have taught me.  – Raylee, Senior 2021, San Juan Island

see Friends of the San Juans’ youth programs in action

Jess Newley, Friends’ Marine Science Coordinator, is the lead staff member for the Youth for Change program. Jess joined Friends in 2018 and has a Master’s Degree in Environmental Education from WWU. Her experience includes diving, boating, videography, place-based education, and field science.

The Youth for Change program is funded in partnership with Orcas Island Community Foundation and the Madrona Institute.

I want the beach to be able to be here for my grandchildren… for my nieces, nephews, and godchildren. That’s when we made the decision to contact Friends of the San Juans.

Mariluz Villa

member, Brown Island