take action

Your Voice is Needed: A Landmark Opportunity to Protect the Salish Sea & Southern Resident Killer Whales

July 22, 2021

This Tuesday, July 27, the Whatcom County Council will hold a public hearing and vote on whether to adopt a landmark ordinance to protect Cherry Point and the Salish Sea. Voices from around the region are needed to let the Whatcom County Council know that you support them in adopting this important ordinance that will ... read more

It’s time to vote! Resources for San Juan County Citizens

October 16, 2020

Ballots for the 2020 election should be in your mailbox any time now. At times like this, when all eyes are on the national elections, it can be easy to forget that it’s our local elections that have a bigger impact on our day-to-day lives, in many ways. Friends of the San Juans’ staff and ... read more

Take Action Now to Protect SEPA!

April 2, 2019

Here in Washington, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) is a foundational tool that provides important information and opportunities for public input on projects that impact the environment. SEPA is the law that ensures that projects are evaluated and the public can have a say in the review and assessment of the project. SEPA also ... read more

Citizen Scientists Needed! Help us Document King Tides

November 30, 2017

Do you have a digital camera or camera phone? If so, help local and regional researchers capture this year’s King Tides! Join Friends and king tide volunteers from your community and across the globe to document the year’s highest tides by taking photos of your favorite local shorelines. See below for this season’s King Tides (December 4 – January 7). ... read more

Comment by August 9: Anchorages in Our Preserves Need Environmental Review

August 2, 2017

The USCG has received 70 comments on their anchorages rulemaking so far. Thank you to everyone who has made a comment! If you haven’t please do so ASAP and help us get to 100 comments before 8:59 p.m. tonight (8/9/2017)! The San Juan County Council just sent in a comment letter! Click here to read it.  ... read more

May 19 is Endangered Species Day – protect what you love!

May 18, 2017

Endangered Species Day is May 19th. 113 marine species are formally listed as being at risk or vulnerable to extinction here in the Salish Sea. Here are five things you can do to help! Help preserve our remaining natural shorelines that provide essential habitat for marine species. View our latest video here to learn more. Purchase sustainably-harvested ... read more

Commenting Open House – Xylene & Anchorages – 5/4!

May 1, 2017

Xylene in our Salish Sea? Ships parked in our island preserves? We resist! Come to the Commenting Open House to hear about two new project proposals harmful to islanders and orcas and learn how to say, “NO!” to these threats. Thursday, May 4th 2017, San Juan Island Grange Hall, 152 First Street, Friday Harbor, Drop in anytime from ... read more

2017 Great Islands Clean-up this EARTH DAY!

April 8, 2017

Saturday – April 22, 2017 from 9AM to 12PM Help make the San Juan Islands “Litter Free by the Sea” by joining this county-wide greening event where volunteers will collect litter from public beaches and roadways. Connect with your business, school, non-profit or service groups, families and friends, and turn out for Earth Day! Contact ... read more

Attend the Salish Sea Stands for Climate Action March!

March 30, 2017

Join us for a rally and march on April 29th in Friday Harbor on San Juan Island in solidarity with the People’s Climate Movement Marches throughout the world. Plus the march will end at an electric vehicle and renewable energy fair! The People’s Climate Movement and Mobilization is part of a larger strategy to push ... read more

Action Alert: Comment on the Oil Transportation Safety Bill!

January 29, 2017

The 2017 Legislative Session is now in full swing and oil transportation is a hot issue. Despite the critical gains around public disclosure and preparedness measures, significant gaps remain that put our communities and waterways at risk of an oil spill or other such disaster. In response, Representative Farrell (46th) and Senator Carlyle (36th) introduced ... read more

The Friends of the San Juans are at the forefront in efforts to prevent oil spills from impacting the San Juans. They work to identify the threats and then work with the US Coast Guard, Ecology, and others to get the best oil spill planning and prevention efforts in place.

Debby Clausen and Kim Sundberg

members, San Juan Island