Your Voice is Needed: A Landmark Opportunity to Protect the Salish Sea & Southern Resident Killer Whales

This Tuesday, July 27, the Whatcom County Council will hold a public hearing and vote on whether to adopt a landmark ordinance to protect Cherry Point and the Salish Sea. Voices from around the region are needed to let the Whatcom County Council know that you support them in adopting this important ordinance that will also protect the San Juan Islands’ shorelines and marine waters. These code amendments are critical in helping to protect the endangered Southern Resident killer whales from additional vessel traffic impacts. Click here for more info and to take action.

Friends has done so much to identify those critical beaches where the forage fish are spawning and that is work that I value greatly. Once we know the spawning locations, we can permanently protect those very important beaches.

Debby Clausen and Kim Sundberg

members, San Juan Island