
FSJ and QCD: These Acronyms are Synonymous with Big Impacts

November 11, 2021

At Friends of the San Juans (FSJ) we advocate for orca, healthy seas, and natural beaches. Our policy and education efforts rest on a foundation of science, research, and community engagement. The problems our community faces are wickedly complex and your support is fundamental to building organizational capacity to implement solutions. You have the capacity ... read more

Register Now: Our Annual Meeting, with special guest Lynda Mapes

September 11, 2021

The Friends Annual Meeting, featuring the incomparable author and journalist Lynda Mapes, will be held on October 9th, from 1:30-3:00 p.m. Lynda Mapes, award-winning Seattle Times environmental writer and author, recently published her fifth book, Orca: Shared Waters, Shared Home. Our enthusiasm is running high! Friends’ Director of Philanthropy, Michel Vekved, is eager to bring our Friends community together around ... read more

Your Voice is Needed: A Landmark Opportunity to Protect the Salish Sea & Southern Resident Killer Whales

July 22, 2021

This Tuesday, July 27, the Whatcom County Council will hold a public hearing and vote on whether to adopt a landmark ordinance to protect Cherry Point and the Salish Sea. Voices from around the region are needed to let the Whatcom County Council know that you support them in adopting this important ordinance that will ... read more

Read our June Highwater Marks E-Newsletter

June 11, 2021

Check out the June issue of our e-newsletter – Highwater Marks! You’ll learn about: where our waste goes in San Juan County from two Spring Street International School students, engaging in important actions for Southern Resident killer whales, how to get involved with the County’s Comprehensive Plan update – and lots more! Read it here.

Protect What You Love: Green Boating in the San Juan Islands

May 13, 2021

The rich marine environment of the San Juan Islands offers extensive recreational opportunities such as wildlife viewing, fishing, and crabbing. Last year’s pandemic-related travel restrictions led to huge increases in boat traffic in the islands, and this summer is shaping up to be extra busy as well. All of these extra boats — crowding waterways, ... read more

Skyla, Kasatka, Tahlequah

May 12, 2021

Poem and photos by Faith Jayaram, junior at Spring Street International School I traveled far to save you,High on childish naïveté.I suppose at the timeI believed myself a heroine; Reality, though, is cruel,And real life is deathBy the dozens,Starved, poisoned, struck. I no longer believe in fate,Or rather I do not believeIn my capacityTo save. ... read more

Read our April Highwater Marks E-Newsletter

April 11, 2021

Check out the April issue of our e-newsletter – Highwater Marks! You’ll hear about our recent victory in court that will help protect the Southern Resident Killer Whales, learn how to report herring spawning in the San Juans this spring, discover more about how to address the growing plastic pollution problem – and more! Read it here. ... read more

Friends of the San Juans and Southern Resident Killer Whales Achieve Victory in Court

April 8, 2021

This week, Whatcom County Superior Court Judge David Freeman delivered a court victory both to Friends of the San Juans and to the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales. “We’re very excited about this ruling,” said Brent Lyles, Friends’ Executive Director, “and it’s been a long time coming!” The issue started in early 2019, when the ... read more

Learn How Your Waterfront Property Can Help Save Salmon and Orca

February 10, 2021

We have secured the funds, the experts are ready, all we need now are more waterfront property owners to take steps to support the marine ecosystem. While it may not be as thrilling as securing your appointment to get vaccinated against Covid-19, it is quite exciting news for forage fish, salmon, and Southern Resident orca! ... read more

Buoy Upgrade Program: Attention island residents located near herring spawning grounds!

September 10, 2020

Attention island residents located near herring spawning grounds!  Pacific herring – also known as forage fish – play a key role in marine food webs as food for out-migrating juvenile salmon, seabirds, and even marine mammals. Herring rely on sensitive eelgrass meadows found along our tidelands to spawn and incubate their eggs. Herring spawning populations ... read more

From the first time we visited the islands, we were awe-struck by the natural beauty of this majestic setting: towering conifers, green meadows, beautiful lakes, forested mountains, all surrounded by the sound! Like any beautiful location, this magical environment could be “loved to death”, which is why it is so important that Friends of the San Juans is there to help us protect what we all love.

David and Geri Turnoy

members, Orcas Island