shoreline vegetation resources for San Juan County

Friends of the San Juans helps landowners and land use professionals understand shoreline management options. Through site-specific technical assistance, Friends can help you protect property and maintain important ecological services such as water quality and wildlife habitat

For information about your shoreline property, site specific maps, and to see if you qualify for a site visit, contact Tina Whitman at (360) 298-7616 or [email protected]. Friends of the San Juans can also assist with restoration, adaptation, and protection project development.

We believe that our property is more valuable if we and our neighbors protect the shoreline. Orcas need salmon. Salmon need forage fish. Salmon and forage fish need the protection of eelgrass and kelp. Eelgrass and kelp need clean water. Shoreline protections are good for ecosystems and for the long-term economy of these lovely islands.

Val and Leslie Veirs

members, San Juan Island