Friends of the San Juans

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Join us for Orca Action!

May 15, 2023

Orca Action Month Kick-Off Event and Parade1 pm to 5 pm, Sunday, June 4thFriday Harbor, San Juan IslandRSVP via Facebook! Join Friends of the San Juans, Wild Orca, and Orca Network as we kick off Orca Action Month, honoring the Lasting Legacies of the Southern Residents and celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Endangered Species ... read more

Big win for Southern Resident killer whales!

April 19, 2023

Legislation to safeguard critically endangered Southern Resident killer whales is headed to the Governor’s desk! Senate Bill 5371 requires recreational boaters to stay 1,000 yards away from Southern Residents beginning in 2025.  Lovel Pratt, Marine Protection and Policy Director at Friends shares, “While the 1,000-yard distance requirement won’t be mandatory until 2025, Friends encourages recreational ... read more

Inspiration & Friendship

April 19, 2023

Reflections on Irmgard Conley, by Janet Alderton I met my dear friend, Irmgard Conley, when I joined the Friends of the San Juans board of directors in 2006. Irmgard’s commitment to “Keep the San Juans Green!” inspired me to use my background in scientific research to help inform our County’s decision-makers during updates to our ... read more

Crashing into CARA: How I met Irmgard Conley 

April 19, 2023

Reflections on Irmgard Conley, by Krystyna U. Wolniakowski Our boats met each other first. Crashing into ‘CARA’, a 35-foot teak 1964 Cheoy Lee Lion sloop, on a stormy day in April 1980, was a crisis that turned into an opportunity for a lifelong friendship with Irmgard Conley.   When I was a young marine biology graduate ... read more

Introducing Eva Schulte, Executive Director!

March 24, 2023

The Board of Directors of Friends of the San Juans is delighted to announce the appointment ofEva Schulte as Executive Director. Eva brings her passion for the Salish Sea and extensiveexecutive leadership experience across the social sector to Friends. She begins the first week ofApril. Ken Carrasco, President of the Board of Friends of the ... read more

Friends’ litigation to protect the Salish Sea

February 24, 2023

Friends’ litigation to protect the Salish Sea has been in the news. Read more via the following articles: The Northern Light: Corps’ BP Cherry Point limit no limit at all, environmental groups say  The Journal of the San Juan Islands: US Army Corps undermines Magnuson’s Legacy of protecting the Salish Sea from oil The Orcasonian: Army Corps of ... read more

Take Action—Ecology Needs to Hear from You!

January 26, 2023

We have an opportunity for you to help Southern Residents, salmon, and all the inhabitants that rely on a healthy Salish Sea!   The Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) has issued a draft rule to reduce threats to Southern Resident killer whales by improving the safety of oil transportation.  As a result of a devasting ... read more

Understanding Ecology’s rulemaking to reduce oil spill risks and impacts 

January 26, 2023

This page provides detailed background information on Ecology’s rulemaking to amend Chapter 173-180 WAC, Facility Oil Handling Standards and Chapter 173-184 WAC, Vessel Oil Transfer Advance Notice and Containment Requirements Ready to take action? Head on over to Take Action – Ecology Needs to Hear from You! According to the Department of Ecology, each year in Washington State there are ... read more

We are hiring a new Executive Director!

December 7, 2022

Position Profile:Executive Director Summary Friends of the San Juans (Friends), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is seeking an experienced, passionate, and charismatic environmental leader to continue its strong community leadership in stewardship and legal protections of the land and waters of the San Juan Islands archipelago and the Salish Sea. Friends is a high performing science-driven ... read more

San Juan County’s Comprehensive Plan Demystified

October 20, 2022

The Comp Plan in a Nutshell: San Juan County has adopted a “Comprehensive Plan” intended to guide growth in our community by incorporating a community vision into goals and policies. These goals and policies are then supposed to be implemented through the adoption of local codes and other local government actions and programs. An important ... read more

It means so much to me to have helped protect the rural environment and natural beauty of the San Juan Islands during the 1980s and 90s. Now I get to share my appreciation of these beautiful islands with my grandchildren, too.

Nancy DeVaux

former Executive Director and member, San Juan Island