Join us – 11/12 Scoping Meeting for Protective Regulations for Killer Whales

Join us next week as we speak up for the Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKW). The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are holding a scoping meeting on Tuesday, November 12th from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Brickworks in Friday Harbor (150 Nichols St.). Click here to see the full pre-publication notice.

This scoping meeting is being held to solicit public comments on whether, based on best available information, existing regulations and other measures adequately protect SRKW from the impacts of vessels and noise in the inland waters of Washington State and, if not, what actions NMFS should take. Click here to see a press release about the process from the Center for Biological Diversity.

Click here to see the Friends of the San Juans comment letter.

You can provide oral and written comments at the scoping meeting, and can also submit comments via email to [email protected]v using the subject line “Comments on Protective Regulations for Killer Whales Scoping.”

Thank you for speaking up for the protection of the Southern Resident Killer Whales!

Photo above by Mark Gardner.

San Juan County is at the center of existing and proposed fossil fuel export projects. We have much to lose and nothing to gain. Our community needs to stay informed, get involved, and be part of the public process of understanding the approaching changes which will affect us all.

San Olson

member, Lopez Island