Tina Whitman
Science Director
Winner of the 2022 Salish Sea Science Prize, Tina is staff scientist for Friends of the San Juans, where she has managed shoreline research, restoration and protection programs since 2002. Tina holds a Master of Science from the University of Oregon focused on the application of biological data to improved land management and a BA in Environmental Design from the University of Colorado. With nearly 30 years of experience in place based conservation on both U.S. coasts, Tina’s professional experience includes work with wildlife refuges, watershed councils and a natural history museum prior to joining the team at Friends. She has served on multiple San Juan County committees including Stormwater and the Marine Resources Committee and is a current member of the Salmon Recovery Technical Advisory Group. Tina lives on Orcas Island with her husband and son and is happiest at the beach, for work or play.