shoreline restoration

Friends Partners With Youth at Sucia Island Restoration Site

April 21, 2022

We had productive and fun days at our Mud Bay restoration site on Sucia Island this month, learning with island youth and furthering ecological improvements to the site. Throughout 2020, restoration efforts at Mud Bay included the removal of nearly 300 feet of coastal road, the removal of rock armor and a culvert, as well ... read more

Let’s Celebrate our Accomplishments! Highlights from 2021

December 15, 2021

As we reach the end of 2021, there is a lot to celebrate, and we could not have achieved so much without you. Please enjoy this look back at the highlights of what your support has helped us accomplish in 2021. Salish Sea Vessel Traffic Projections We recently released an update to our Salish Sea ... read more

Read our September Highwater Marks E-Newsletter

September 11, 2021

Check out the September issue of our e-newsletter – Highwater Marks! You’ll learn about: registering for our 2021 Annual Meeting with special guest Lynda Mapes, how to engage with the San Juan County Council this week about important issues for our environment and community, the latest shoreline restoration project at Salmon Point on Lopez Island, our ... read more

Salmon Habitat Restoration at Salmon Point, Lopez Island

September 10, 2021

It was an exciting week for local forage fish and out-migrating juvenile salmon as Friends of the San Juans and the Salmon Point Community have successfully restored priority shoreline habitat along their local beach. At the south end of Lopez Island, two areas of failed rock armoring and rock fill were covering portions of a ... read more

Learn More: Shoreline Restoration in the San Juans

March 8, 2021

Check out our new Shoreline Restoration website! You’ll explore an interactive map and see Friends of the San Juans’ restoration projects that have been completed in partnership with private, Tribal, and public landowners. With an overall goal of improving the marine food web, these projects restored shorelines impacted by unnecessary modifications such as bulkheads, tide gates, groins, ... read more

WATCH: Mud Bay, Sucia Island Restoration Video

February 16, 2021

We are excited to share our Mud Bay (Sucia Island) Restoration video. This project reconnected a salt marsh to the bay for the first time in 75 years and removed tons of armoring, rock, and fill off of a forage fish spawning beach. These actions restored juvenile salmon and forage fish habitat – improving the food ... read more

More Good News for Salmon Recovery! Conservation Easement Program a Success!

November 12, 2020

We are excited to report good news about an innovative partnership between Friends of the San Juans and the San Juan Preservation Trust (Preservation Trust) that has been quietly gaining momentum over the past few years. Working with interested private waterfront landowners, the collaborative project brings much-needed attention and resources to the permanent protection of ... read more

Salmon Habitat Restored on Sucia Island

October 6, 2020

Almost seven years ago, Friends of the San Juans began working with Washington State Parks on a salmon recovery project on Sucia Island. After a lot of research, surveys, designs, engineering, and permitting, the on-the-ground work to restore habitat has come to fruition. Located along a major migratory pathway for juvenile Chinook salmon, Sucia’s marine ... read more

Friends Implements Salmon Recovery Project on Sucia Island!

September 20, 2020

Almost seven years ago, Friends of the San Juans began working with Washington State Parks on a salmon recovery project on Sucia Island. After a lot of research, surveys, designs, engineering, and permitting, the on-the-ground work to restore habitat is finally happening this month! Located along a major migratory pathway for juvenile salmon, Sucia is ... read more

Happy Spring News for You! New Forage Fish Spawning Beaches Found!

April 29, 2020

During these uncertain times, the staff of Friends of the San Juans are looking for ways to lift your spirits. And we thought that sharing some good news might bring you a smile! Good News! New Forage Fish Spawning Beaches Found! This winter, Friends of the San Juans staff and our team of trained citizen ... read more

I look at the Friends of the San Juans as sort of like a guard dog. They are the first ones to bark if there is any danger to anything that needs protection. They are the ones that make the first sounds that say “Wake Up!”

Shaun Hubbard

member, San Juan Island and Seattle