
Action Alert: Support Southern Resident orcas!

November 12, 2020

We want to remind you about this opportunity to take action in support of Southern Resident orcas! The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) needs to hear from YOU on its draft regulations for the Commercial Whale Watch Licensing Program. WDFW is required to use best available science to adopt rules that reduce the daily and cumulative impacts on Southern Resident orca whales, ... read more

Action Alert: Make a pledge for baby orcas!

September 10, 2020

Did you hear that J35/Tahlequah had a new baby? Welcome, J57! Besides the joy of J57’s birth, there are also two more expectant mothers, one each in K and L pods. Please join us as we cautiously celebrate this hopeful news for the Southern Resident orcas. Tahlequah made headlines in 2018 when she swam for ... read more

Action Alert: Speak up for Orcas and Salmon!

May 26, 2020

Here are two important comment opportunities for the Southern Resident orcas and native salmon species… 1) Protect Southern Resident Orcas Via the Commercial Whale Watch Licensing Program:  In 2019 the Washington Legislature directed the WA Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) to develop rules for a new commercial whale-watching licensing program. You have an opportunity to engage in ... read more

Give to the San Juans and orcas today. All gifts made by Dec. 31 will be matched!

December 23, 2019

What do you see? This image contains a hidden a future. The fine grains of sand on this beach can sustain thousands of forage fish eggs – these eggs will become the small fish that sustain the Chinook salmon, that sustain the endangered Southern Resident orcas. It’s your donation that will ensure that the future ... read more

Orca Action Alert: Comments Needed by 12/18 to Expand Critical Habitat

December 14, 2019

The Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKW) need your voice and support! Their designated critical habitat is being revised and expanded to include the marine waters from the U.S. international border with Canada at the mouth of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, south to Point Sur, California. Friends supports the proposed revision of the Critical Habitat Designation ... read more

Action Alert: Require Whatcom County to Address Philips 66 Project’s Impacts to the Southern Resident Orcas

July 26, 2019

On Friday July 19, 2019 Whatcom County issued a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (MDNS) for the Phillips 66 Ferndale Refinery’s proposal to construct a new 300,000 barrel crude oil storage tank and a new 80,000 barrel fuel oil storage tank. The new storage tanks would provide additional operating flexibility for ... read more

Check out our Infographic! 25 Projects in the Salish Sea Threaten Southern Resident Orcas

June 20, 2019

Friends of the San Juans just released an updated Salish Sea Vessel Traffic Projections infographic that identifies an additional 2,116 ocean going vessels making 4,232 transits to and from ports in British Columbia and Washington State from 25 new or expanding proposals. Vessel traffic from ocean-going oil tankers, container ships, bulk cargo carriers, and liquefied natural gas ... read more

You’re invited to march with us for the orcas in the 4th of July Parade!

June 13, 2019

Friends of the San Juans, San Juan Islanders for Safe Shipping and Orca Protectors will be marching in the Friday Harbor July 4 parade. Our message is “Protect What You Love.” Join us!   We have one (nearly) life size black foam-core fin for every living member of JKL pods, and two large banners; so ... read more
event, orcas

Join us for Orca Sing on 6/22!

June 13, 2019

Come honor the Southern Resident orcas at beautiful Lime Kiln Point State Park! Join us for the 20th Annual Orca Sing, and gather for an evening of picnicking and live music while celebrating Orca Action Month. Fred West and Seattle’s City Cantabile Choir will perform their delightful music. An offering by Odin and Orca Annie ... read more
event, orcas

“Splash” with us for orca recovery on June 13!

June 6, 2019

Come jump in the water to celebrate the Southern Resident orcas at the “Salish Splash” at Jackson Beach on June 13 at 4 p.m. with Friends of the San Juans, the Port of Friday Harbor, State Senator Liz Lovelett, and other community members. This year, the Washington State Legislature passed a critical package of orca ... read more

It wasn’t until 1979 that San Juan County got a comprehensive growth plan and that was largely due to the Friends of the San Juan’s being there to advocate for the shoreline and the ecosystem. Since then, there have been constant waves of pressure by developers. Friends have risen each time, fighting to protect this fragile and precious place.

Liza Michaelson

member, San Juan Island