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Friends Appeals the Tesoro/Andeavor Xylene Project

April 5, 2018

On April 4, seven local and regional environmental organizations appealed Skagit County’s approval of a project that would ship hundreds of millions of gallons of toxic chemicals through the Salish Sea every year, much of it destined for Asia. The groups maintain that the approval for the Tesoro (recently renamed Andeavor) Anacortes Refinery petrochemical expansion ... read more

Speak out against Xylene in the Salish Sea – November 2!

October 26, 2017

In May 2017, many of you wrote comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for Tesoro (now re-named Andeavor) Anacortes Refinery’s proposal to manufacture and export xylene to Asia. Xylene (pronounced ZIE-leen) is a highly volatile, hazardous and toxic petrochemical which has never before been manufactured in our region and transported through our waters. ... read more

Comment by August 9: Anchorages in Our Preserves Need Environmental Review

August 2, 2017

The USCG has received 70 comments on their anchorages rulemaking so far. Thank you to everyone who has made a comment! If you haven’t please do so ASAP and help us get to 100 comments before 8:59 p.m. tonight (8/9/2017)! The San Juan County Council just sent in a comment letter! Click here to read it.  ... read more

Orca Sing 2017 – June 24 at Lime Kiln Point State Park!

June 14, 2017

Gather for an evening of music at Lime Kiln Point State Park to honor the Southern Resident orcas.  This year’s event is the 18th annual and will take place on Saturday, June 24, beginning at 7 p.m. This year, Fred West and Seattle’s City Cantabile Choir will perform. Washington State Parks and Orca Awareness Month ... read more

Canada Approved the Kinder Morgan Project – What’s next?

December 2, 2016

Concerned by the national election results and now the Canadian government’s approval of the Kinder Morgan Transmountain Pipeline expansion? We are too. It is clear that our work at Friends is more difficult and more necessary than ever. With both threats and opportunities before us, let’s stand together to protect this place and the communities ... read more

It means so much to me to have helped protect the rural environment and natural beauty of the San Juan Islands during the 1980s and 90s. Now I get to share my appreciation of these beautiful islands with my grandchildren, too.

Nancy DeVaux

former Executive Director and member, San Juan Island