oil pipeline

Pull Together Against Kinder Morgan @ Upcoming Benefit Concerts!

March 10, 2017

Pull Together: First Nations Standing Against Kinder Morgan Benefit Concerts and Talks – Coming to an Island Near You! Mar. 30, San Juan Island , Brickworks Mar. 31, Orcas, Westsound Community Center Apr. 1, Lopez, Woodmen Hall Apr. 2, Anacortes, Seafarers Memorial Park Bldg. (all events are from 7-8:30 p.m.) Kinder Morgan’s pipeline and tanker ... read more

Join the Lopez Island Salish Sea Stands Information Session – 2/9

February 4, 2017

February 9, 7-8 p.m. at Grace Church. Friends and community members are leading a collaborative educational seminar for the Salish Sea Stands initiative, other involved organizations, and interested islanders. The session will focus on how to effectively communicate with key legislators about the environmental and economic threats San Juan County faces from greatly increased oil tanker traffic linked to ... read more

Friends has done so much to identify those critical beaches where the forage fish are spawning and that is work that I value greatly. Once we know the spawning locations, we can permanently protect those very important beaches.

Debby Clausen and Kim Sundberg

members, San Juan Island