
Increased Challenges Demand Solutions – You Can Help!

November 11, 2021

2021 has been a tremendous year for Friends of the San Juans. As you’ve read in our newsletters and as you heard at our Annual Meeting last month, we’ve matured as an organization this year, and we’ve had terrific programmatic successes. In every case, the financial support of our members and donors made those accomplishments ... read more

Motivation, Values, and Attention

September 10, 2021

What life can and will look like in the San Juan Islands is up to all of us. How will you help protect the island environment? We live, visit, work, and play in the San Juan Islands, a magical place that many claim as one of the most magnificent in their worldly travels. A place ... read more

The Joys and Responsibilities of Stewardship

July 8, 2021

Living in the islands brings joys and responsibilities — we benefit deeply from our connections to nature, and in return we work to ensure the long-term health and vitality of our islands and the Salish Sea. As one of our Friends members once said, “You have to be more careful with an island.” Together we ... read more

The Friends of the San Juans do such a wonderful job of keeping on top of things like the transit of freighters through the Straits and their impact on whales as well as protecting our environment. Jim and I fell in love with the islands, the wildlife, and fishing. We hope to preserve it, not only for our family but for other families, well into the future.

Glen and Deb Bruels

members, San Juan Island