
Immersive Education with Lopez and Orcas High School

December 15, 2021

Science classes from Lopez and Orcas High Schools just completed Friends’ Immersive Salish Sea Science Education program. Students experienced the marine food web through virtual reality technology, and they learned about science careers and how they can act to protect and restore the Salish Sea. Each class also took a trip to the beach to ... read more

Friends’ New Immersive Virtual Reality Education Program

March 12, 2021

For the ultimate immersive experience, we recommend using virtual reality headsets to view the video, like the Oculus Quest units that students use in the classroom. The next best option is an inexpensive cardboard viewer you can use at home, like Google cardboard headsets that use your smart phone to transform the 360˚ YouTube video into a ... read more

We’ve Launched our Virtual Reality School Education Project!

February 4, 2021

We started our Virtual Reality pilot program in island schools in early February! And here’s the video you have all been waiting for… (drum roll…!!!) Click here to see Shorelines and Salmon: Friends of the San Juans’ Immersive Education 360VR! Dive in and im yourself among the critical nearshore habitats of the San Juan Islands ... read more

Joan and I love this tiny corner of paradise and know that Mother Nature needs all the help she can get. We are solidly friends of the Friends of the San Juans.

Jon and Joan Christoffersen

members, Shaw Island