Stand strong with BC and First Nations against Kinder Morgan

Kinder Morgan Canada announced that it’s suspending “all non-essential activities and related spending” on the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion, and won’t move forward with the project without “the ability to construct through British Columbia” and “adequate protection” of Kinder Morgan shareholders.*

We want them to suspend this pipeline project for good! Let’s stand with our B.C. and First Nation neighbors fighting against it! 

Please call or send a message to Washington’s Governor Inslee – thank him for opposing this project and ask that he continue to state his strong opposition to the pipeline expansion – including the expansion of the Puget Sound Pipeline in Washington State.



Call: 360-902-4111

Talking points:

  • Thank you for your opposition to Kinder Morgan’s pipeline expansion!
  • Please continue to oppose this project and stand with B.C. Premier John Horgan to send a clear message to the world: The Pacific Northwest is united against dirty tar sands oil, and Kinder Morgan’s pipeline and tankers have no place here.
  • This pipeline and tanker expansion’s increase in oil spill risk threatens the ecological destruction of our salmon and Southern Resident Killer Whales. Our economy and livelihoods depend on clean water, clean air, and a vibrant Salish Sea.
  • Washington already receives Canadian tar sands crude oil from the Puget Sound Pipeline, the southern spur of the existing Trans Mountain Pipeline. Kinder Morgan plans to more than double the throughput of the Puget Sound Pipeline. This puts Washington squarely in the middle of another fossil fuel expansion fight. I urge you to affirm publicly that our state will not accept such an expansion under your watch.
  • The San Juan Islands are surrounded by this expansion: The Puget Sound Pipeline’s additional 260,000 barrels per day to Washington State’s four northern refineries and the additional 348 tankers per year in Georgia Strait, Boundary Pass, Haro Strait, and the Strait of Juan de Fuca.
  • This pipeline and tanker expansion project is a direct affront to U.S. Tribal Treaties and First Nations’ sovereignty. I stand with Tribes and First Nations in opposing Kinder Morgan. Please do everything in your power to honor the treaties.
  • As our Governor, I ask that you use your position to represent all Washingtonians and our shared waters, salmon, orcas, and climate in opposition to this project.

And/or you can sign onto these letters:

Sierra Club

Washington Environmental Council

Please act soon! Kinder Morgan plans to make a go/no-go decision by May 31.


*Press release: Kinder Morgan Canada Limited Suspends Non-Essential Spending on Trans Mountain Expansion Project

Gov. Jay Inslee says Washington state is ‘allied’ with B.C. against Trans Mountain pipeline

British Columbia files case, may delay Kinder Morgan pipeline

Chiefs from 133 First Nations join fight against Kinder Morgan pipeline and oilsands expansion

Justin Trudeau’s Two-Faced Climate Game

Kinder Morgan’s Oil Spill Problem

Sierra Club BC Video


Day of Action: The Fight for an Oil-free Salish Sea

Sunday, May 20, 2018. 10:00am. Rally at Occidental Park, march to Seattle Waterfront.

Illustration credit: San Juan Islanders for Safe Shipping

The Friends of the San Juans do such a wonderful job of keeping on top of things like the transit of freighters through the Straits and their impact on whales as well as protecting our environment. Jim and I fell in love with the islands, the wildlife, and fishing. We hope to preserve it, not only for our family but for other families, well into the future.

Glen and Deb Bruels

members, San Juan Island