The staff of Friends of the San Juans stands in solidarity with those demanding justice for George Floyd along with countless other Black lives taken too soon and too often. Our mission to protect and restore the San Juan Islands and the Salish Sea includes our human communities and we stand for the health, safety, opportunity, and basic human rights of all people.

We are listening. We are learning. Like many of you, we will use the silence on our social media platforms to let the Black voice be heard and will only be using this space to provide resources and action items for the movement. While we continue our mission driven work for Thriving Communities, Healthy Seas, and Natural Shorelines, we vow to honor this anti-racism movement inside our homes and throughout our organization. We look forward to growing, learning, and being a part of the change in our Salish Sea community.

We can be better, we will be better. #read #donate #listen #vote

Friends of the San Juans was vital for the San Juan Islands’ protection in 1979 and it is still vital today.

Mike and Susan Krieger

members, Orcas Island