Shifting Shorelines Sea Level Rise Workshops

The San Juan Islands are one of the most beautiful places in the world. And increasingly vulnerable to more frequent and extreme storms that will affect the waterfront. But with good planning, we can protect the people and places we love.

Join us for a workshop about the best ways to protect waterfront properties and our community from coastal flooding and erosion, and how to care for the important habitats that will see changes as a result of sea level rise. There are a variety of low-cost steps you can take and a range of solutions available to island residents.

Attend one of these community sea level rise workshops to learn the latest science for our region, local vulnerability mapping and adaptation strategies, and how to protect your shoreline while building community resilience. Coastal experts from Washington Sea Grant, Coastal Geologic Services and Friends of the San Juans will be presenting. We also want to hear what you value most and how you think our community should prepare.

Lopez Island: Thursday June 29, 10:30am-12:30pm, Woodmen Hall

Orcas Island: Thursday June 29, 5-7pm, Eastsound Fire Hall

San Juan Island: Friday June 30, 11am-1pm, Brickworks

The workshops are free and open to all. Food and drinks provided. RSVP appreciated:, [email protected], or 378-2319.

Please help us spread the word! Click here to download a poster and/or share on Facebook (Lopez Event, Orcas Event, San Juan Event).

These workshops are funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.

We believe that our property is more valuable if we and our neighbors protect the shoreline. Orcas need salmon. Salmon need forage fish. Salmon and forage fish need the protection of eelgrass and kelp. Eelgrass and kelp need clean water. Shoreline protections are good for ecosystems and for the long-term economy of these lovely islands.

Val and Leslie Veirs

members, San Juan Island