Help protect Southern Resident killer whales and Chinook salmon!
Your quick action by June 8th is needed to help reduce the impacts of a new off-shore/over-water shipping terminal the size of 202 football fields! This new terminal would decimate critical habitat and increase vessel traffic impacts and oil spill risks in the transboundary Salish Sea.
Friends of the San Juans is grateful to the Lummi Nation for defending their Aboriginal rights and title in Canada! Canada failed to conduct the required consultation and accommodation on the potential adverse impacts to the Lummi Nation from the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 project. Friends is also grateful to our ENGO colleagues in BC who have filed an application for a judicial review in federal court under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act.
More Info:
- Friends of the San Juans comments: https://sanjuans.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Friends_of_the_San_Juans_comments_Draft_EAO_referral_materials_Roberts_Bank_Terminal_2.pdf
- BC Environmental Assessment Office, Draft Summary Assessment Report for Roberts Bank Terminal 2: https://sanjuans.org/wp-content/uploads/202RBT2_Draft CPD3/06/RBT2_Draft-Summary-Assessment-Report.pdf
- BC Environmental Assessment Office, Draft Certified Project Description for Roberts Bank Terminal 2: https://sanjuans.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/RBT2_Draft-CPD.pdf
- BC Environmental Assessment Office, Draft Provincial Conditions for Roberts Bank Terminal 2: https://sanjuans.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/RBT2_Draft-Provincial-Conditions.pdf
- Federal Review Panel Report for the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project: https://iaac-aeic.gc.ca/050/documents/p80054/134506E.pdf
- Government of Canada’s Decision Statement for the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project: https://iaac-aeic.gc.ca/050/documents/p80054/147356E.pdf.
- Memorandum of Understanding Between the Washington State Department of Ecology and the British Columbia Environmental Assessment Office: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/environmental-assessments/working-with-other-agencies/eao-mous-and-agreements/eao-memorandum-of-understanding-with-washington-state.pdf.
- KBA (Key Biodiversity Areas) Canada. 2022. Site Profile: Fraser River Estuary: https://kbacanada.org/site/?SiteCode=BC017
- Letter from concerned scientists regarding environmental impacts of the proposed Roberts Bank Terminal 2 project proposal: https://iaac-aeic.gc.ca/050/evaluations/proj/80054/contributions/id/57027.
- A Coastal Marine Strategy for British Columbia: Policy Intentions Paper. December 2022: https://engage.gov.bc.ca/app/uploads/sites/121/2022/12/Coastal-Marine-Strategy-Intentions-Paper.pdf.
- United States, National Marine Fisheries Service., Northwest Region. 2008. Recovery plan for southern resident killer whales (Orcinus orca): https://repository.library.noaa.gov/view/noaa/15975.
- Washington State Department of Ecology’s October 5, 2018 comments to the Review Panel re: Comments on the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project: https://iaac-aeic.gc.ca/050/evaluations/proj/80054/contributions/id/24980.
- Vessel Drift and Response Analysis for the Strait of Juan de Fuca to the Southern Strait of Georgia: https://www.sanjuanco.com/DocumentCenter/View/24711/Vessel-Drift-and-Response-Analysis-Inland-Waters-SJC-Apr-2021?bidId=
- Vancouver Fraser Port Authority ECHO (Enhanced Cetacean Habitat and Observation) Program projects and initiatives: https://www.portvancouver.com/environmental-protection-at-the-port-of-vancouver/maintaining-healthy-ecosystems-throughout-our-jurisdiction/echo-program/projects/
- Vancouver Fraser Port Authority ECHO (Enhanced Cetacean Habitat and Observation) Program. An Evaluation of Vessel Quieting Design, Technology and Maintenance Options. January 2017: https://www.portvancouver.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Vessel-Quieting.pdf.