Friends of the San Juans does not endorse or oppose candidates for office.
The Salish Sea is like no other place on earth. As election season approaches, we are all reminded of what is at stake if we were to lose what we all love about this place. We also know that loving the environment isn’t enough—protecting this place takes science, education, policy, and law.

Who We Are
Friends of the San Juans is dedicated to protecting and restoring the San Juan Islands and the Salish Sea for people and nature. Advocacy and justice are at the heart of our work. We believe in the power of science, educational outreach, and community-driven initiatives to influence environmental policies and protections. Our efforts focus on equipping the community to drive systemic change and advance environmental restorative justice. As a nonpartisan organization, Friends of the San Juans endorses issues, not candidates.
How We Equip Our Island Communities to Act
Our volunteers empower us to proactively engage in San Juan County’s planning processes, where some of the most consequential environmental decisions are made. Friends’ outreach has resulted in the mobilization of thousands of public comments submitted to local government. We are proud that our consistent and collective voice for climate adaptation, and guardianship of agricultural and forest lands has helped to protect this special place. We continue to work with partners and the community to weigh current opportunities and future needs.
What We Protect
Later this month we will be publishing our Protector Priority Platform for the community to consider. This educational platform will also be shared with current elected officials and regional candidates for public office. It focuses on the challenges and opportunities for San Juan County leadership to protect the Salish Sea, island resources and communities, shoreline ecosystems, and our collective future. Friends members will also receive ballot initiative briefings and alerts in prep for November 2024 decisions at the county and state levels. For example, our Board unanimously endorsed continued support for the Conservation Land Bank to continue protecting our water, forests and farmland, and the Home Fund for affordable housing.
Friends of the San Juans is proud to be protectors of these cherished lands, waters, and communities, working tirelessly to ensure they thrive for generations to come. It is a region that touches the heart and soul of many, and hosting immense biodiversity and cultural heritage.
We are actively recruiting volunteers such as Green Boating Ambassadors, and event and administration support. Learn more about our volunteer opportunities at
If you are not currently a member of Friends of the San Juans, consider renewing or starting your membership today! Our members receive first-dibs access to special boat expedition trips and updates about the latest science, policy, and education opportunities that protect this special place! For more information about our initiatives and how you can get involved, please visit or email [email protected].