Plastic Bag Ban Passes in San Juan County!

On October 25th, the San Juan County Council passed an ordinance that will ban single use plastic bags in the county as of May 1, 2017! Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen – Friday Harbor and Spring Street International middle schoolers who testified at the hearing (and pictured above), Friends supporters who signed our petition, all three councilmen who voted yes, Mark Herrenkohl (Solid Waste Program Administrator), the Solid Waste Advisory Committee and the many other community members who rallied around this important ordinance that will help protect our marine environment!

Click here to learn more about the ordinance.

I want the beach to be able to be here for my grandchildren… for my nieces, nephews, and godchildren. That’s when we made the decision to contact Friends of the San Juans.

Mariluz Villa

member, Brown Island