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Give Southern Residents space!

Current regulations require boaters in Washington waters to stay 1,000 yards away from Southern Resident killer whales at all times. Give Southern Residents the space they need to forage, feed, rest, and rear their young!

Learn more on our green boating page.

Take the Green Boater Pledge

Boaters play a crucial role in safeguarding the diverse species that inhabit the Salish Sea. Whether you’re on a sailboat or powerboat, take the pledge lessen your impact on the wildlife and communities that rely on these waters for sustenance and shelter.

Take the pledge!

Protector Platform

Explore our Protector Platform to guide your local and regional advocacy efforts. Discover key priorities, challenges, and opportunities identified by Friends of the San Juans’ expert team of environmental scientists, policy specialists, legal advisors, and educators.

Learn More

Advocate for Responsible Land Use

Common land use that is harmful to the environment could include unauthorized activities such as shoreline tree removal, draining or filling of wetlands, vacation rentals, and the construction or expansion of on-beach structures such as stairs or bulkheads. If you observe a potential land use violation in San Juan County, we recommend that you contact the County’s Code Enforcement department.

See the San Juan County website for more info.

Volunteer with us!

All volunteers receive complimentary memberships for just four hours of their time. Browse a list of real-time volunteer needs, and sign up for upcoming volunteer events or specific interest lists. From photography to field work parties, community science, issue advocacy, and more …

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We chose to live on the westside of San Juan Island because of its natural beauty, and we want to preserve it for future generations. That’s where the Friends of the San Juans come in. Since their inception, they have been the guardians of the Salish Sea and this place we call home.

Glen and Deb Bruels

members, San Juan Island