FSJ and QCD: These Acronyms are Synonymous with Big Impacts

At Friends of the San Juans (FSJ) we advocate for orca, healthy seas, and natural beaches. Our policy and education efforts rest on a foundation of science, research, and community engagement. The problems our community faces are wickedly complex and your support is fundamental to building organizational capacity to implement solutions.

You have the capacity to make an impact through a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). Your QCD can help fund and sustain the mission of FSJ. According to Fidelity and Schwab Charitable, a direct transfer of funds from your IRA to a qualified charitable organization such as FSJ may be counted towards satisfying your required minimum distribution for the year, as long as certain rules are met. FSJ would love to be a part of your giving strategy.

We hope you will consider the meaningful benefit of your charitable giving to FSJ this year, and we encourage you to seek the counsel of your financial advisor.

Here’s to big impacts in 2022—FSJ, QCD, and YOU!

Fidelity QCDs

Schwab QCDs

I want the beach to be able to be here for my grandchildren… for my nieces, nephews, and godchildren. That’s when we made the decision to contact Friends of the San Juans.

Mariluz Villa

member, Brown Island