End of the Year Actions to Protect What You Love

Here are five important things you can do today to support our Salish Sea as we close out 2018…

Make an Impact to Protect What You Love:

1. Give Southern Residents their fair share of salmon. Ask the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Commission to allocate 410,000 Chinook salmon for the Southern Residents annually. Click here to write the commissioners. Click here to learn more about other actions you can take to support the Southern Residents.

2. Keep single-use plastics out ofour waste stream. Click here to watch the Plastic Free Salish Sea video to learn more about all the programs addressing the issue in San Juan County. Click here to get involved with supporting the state-wide Reusable Bag Act (and other environmental priorities) that will be introduced in the state legislature this session.

3. Protect public lands by commenting on the Bureau of Land Management’s Resource Management Plan for the San Juan Islands National Monument (SJINM) by January 3. Click here to learn more from Islanders for the SJINM and make a comment.

4. Help us see the future by document King Tide events across the San Juans. Next week join Friends and volunteers from your community and across the globe to document the year’s highest tides by taking photos of your favorite local shorelines. Click here to see the dates and learn more.

5. Make a special gift to Friends and help us reach our $40,000 match by December 31, 2018 (we’re getting really close!). Click here to make a donation that will support us in advocating for impactful actions that will feed orca, protect fish and other wildlife, and preserve the livability of our island community. If you’ve already made a gift – thank you!

Working together with people like you, partner organizations and First Nations in Washington and British Columbia, we are winning some extraordinary battles. In the face of the Southern Resident orca crisis, and threats to clean water, forest, farmland,and healthy communities, we will continue to stand on the side of health,safety, and justice for all.  Thank you for being part of all of this work with us. We look forward to continuing to protect what we all love about the San Juan Islands and Salish Sea with you in 2019.

Happy Holidays!

We believe that our property is more valuable if we and our neighbors protect the shoreline. Orcas need salmon. Salmon need forage fish. Salmon and forage fish need the protection of eelgrass and kelp. Eelgrass and kelp need clean water. Shoreline protections are good for ecosystems and for the long-term economy of these lovely islands.

Val and Leslie Veirs

members, San Juan Island