Community Voices at the Center of Comprehensive Plan Updates

Friends was formed to help San Juan County adopt its first-ever Comprehensive Land Use Plan, and this year, we are again working to include all voices in the planning process. So far, through eight listening sessions, we’ve engaged 112 people—partnering with Family Resource Centers to reach low-income families, Latinx community members, and seniors. One more session to go! Learn more and help shape the next 20 years of island life. 

Friends’ Executive Director Eva Schulte facilitated the listening sessions in English and Spanish, equipping participants to share their concerns, write comment letters, and testify at Planning Commission and County Council meetings. Our feedback also shapes Friends’ and Family Resource Center comment letters, amplifying these community voices.   

San Juan County and the Town of Friday Harbor are updating their Comprehensive Plans this year.

These updates provide the opportunity to shape our communities in the next twenty years of growth in various areas such as housing, transportation, water resources, utilities, economic development, and more. Notably, Washington State requires that all jurisdictions add a climate element to address and plan for climate impacts on our communities and the environment.

To get involved in the Comprehensive Plan updates:

Climate COMPASS Sessions: Prepare for Action on the Comp Plan!

Friends of the San Juans secured a WA Department of Commerce grant enabling the Madrona Institute to design a new game for community engagement around climate called Climate COMPASS—Comprehensive Plan Outreach for Meaningful Public Action & Sustainability. This game helps community members shape local climate policy. The Madrona Institute is now facilitating these interactive community gatherings in partnership with Friends of the San Juan and the Family and Community Resource Centers.

These community sessions are open to everyone, and your voice matters! Join us:

  • Shaw Island – Mon, March 3, 3:30-5:30 PM, Shaw Community Building
  • Orcas Island – Sat, March 8, 3-5 PM, Parish Hall
  • San Juan Island – Sun, March 9, 1-3 PM, San Juan Island Grange

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We live in such a pivotal time. Future generations are depending on us to protect and restore what will be their environment. We support the Friends because they tackle the issues that really make a big difference in our local environment, while also squeezing maximum value out of every dollar in their budget.

Ken and Mariann Carrasco

members, Orcas Island