Commenting Open House – Xylene & Anchorages – 5/4!

Xylene in our Salish Sea? Ships parked in our island preserves? We resist!

Come to the Commenting Open House to hear about two new project proposals harmful to islanders and orcas and learn how to say, “NO!” to these threats.

Thursday, May 4th 2017, San Juan Island Grange Hall, 152 First Street, Friday Harbor, Drop in anytime from 2:30 to 6:00pm

The Project Proposals:

  1. Tesoro wants to ship hazardous materials to its Anacortes refinery in order to manufacture xylene, a highly volatile hazardous and noxious substance that they’ll then ship to Asia— all this in our Salish Sea and along our shorelines. We resist! Click here for a detailed handout about commenting. 
  2. The U.S. Coast Guard wants to codify anchorage areas, right next to Vendovi Island Preserve and Jack Island Preserve and also near our National Monument, National Wildlife Refuge, and National Estuarine Research Reserve — all in our Salish Sea and all without a full environmental review. We resist! Click here for a detailed handout about commenting.

At the commenting open house, you’ll learn about these two projects and how to get your concerns addressed in the public commenting process. To make it easy to have your say right there on the spot, writing materials will be provided or you can bring your own laptops and/or smart phones. Tesoro xylene comments are due May 8 and the Coast Guard anchorage comments are due May 11.

This is our opportunity to resist what’s not in the best interest of islanders, orcas and our Salish Sea. 

For more info: Katie Fleming [email protected] (360) 378-2319

Friends of the San Juans was vital for the San Juan Islands’ protection in 1979 and it is still vital today.

Mike and Susan Krieger

members, Orcas Island