species protection

page: 8

Orca Sing 2017 – June 24 at Lime Kiln Point State Park!

June 14, 2017

Gather for an evening of music at Lime Kiln Point State Park to honor the Southern Resident orcas.  This year’s event is the 18th annual and will take place on Saturday, June 24, beginning at 7 p.m. This year, Fred West and Seattle’s City Cantabile Choir will perform. Washington State Parks and Orca Awareness Month ... read more

May 19 is Endangered Species Day – protect what you love!

May 18, 2017

Endangered Species Day is May 19th. 113 marine species are formally listed as being at risk or vulnerable to extinction here in the Salish Sea. Here are five things you can do to help! Help preserve our remaining natural shorelines that provide essential habitat for marine species. View our latest video here to learn more. Purchase sustainably-harvested ... read more

Commenting Open House – Xylene & Anchorages – 5/4!

May 1, 2017

Xylene in our Salish Sea? Ships parked in our island preserves? We resist! Come to the Commenting Open House to hear about two new project proposals harmful to islanders and orcas and learn how to say, “NO!” to these threats. Thursday, May 4th 2017, San Juan Island Grange Hall, 152 First Street, Friday Harbor, Drop in anytime from ... read more

2017 Great Islands Clean-up this EARTH DAY!

April 8, 2017

Saturday – April 22, 2017 from 9AM to 12PM Help make the San Juan Islands “Litter Free by the Sea” by joining this county-wide greening event where volunteers will collect litter from public beaches and roadways. Connect with your business, school, non-profit or service groups, families and friends, and turn out for Earth Day! Contact ... read more

Watch our new video – Planning for the Future: Benefits of Beach Restoration

April 4, 2017

Sea level rise and climate change: they’re what coastal communities around the globe are increasingly talking about and feeling the impacts of. Forward-thinking individuals and governments are taking steps to prepare. Our new video describes how healthy shorelines can adjust to rising seas and highlights the approach one family took to redeveloping their property that considered ... read more

Stand for the Salish Sea Rallies – January 16!

January 10, 2017

Text version: Islanders are invited to take part in a countywide “Salish Sea Stands” day of action on MLK Day, Monday, January 16 against the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion to the United States. The Trans Mountain Pipeline, owned by Kinder Morgan, received approval from the Canadian government to proceed. The project will affect the Salish Sea ... read more

Canada Approved the Kinder Morgan Project – What’s next?

December 2, 2016

Concerned by the national election results and now the Canadian government’s approval of the Kinder Morgan Transmountain Pipeline expansion? We are too. It is clear that our work at Friends is more difficult and more necessary than ever. With both threats and opportunities before us, let’s stand together to protect this place and the communities ... read more

Plastic Bag Ban Passes in San Juan County!

October 26, 2016

On October 25th, the San Juan County Council passed an ordinance that will ban single use plastic bags in the county as of May 1, 2017! Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen – Friday Harbor and Spring Street International middle schoolers who testified at the hearing (and pictured above), Friends supporters who ... read more

It wasn’t until 1979 that San Juan County got a comprehensive growth plan and that was largely due to the Friends of the San Juan’s being there to advocate for the shoreline and the ecosystem. Since then, there have been constant waves of pressure by developers. Friends have risen each time, fighting to protect this fragile and precious place.

Liza Michaelson

member, San Juan Island