safe shipping

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Pull Together Against Kinder Morgan @ Upcoming Benefit Concerts!

March 10, 2017

Pull Together: First Nations Standing Against Kinder Morgan Benefit Concerts and Talks – Coming to an Island Near You! Mar. 30, San Juan Island , Brickworks Mar. 31, Orcas, Westsound Community Center Apr. 1, Lopez, Woodmen Hall Apr. 2, Anacortes, Seafarers Memorial Park Bldg. (all events are from 7-8:30 p.m.) Kinder Morgan’s pipeline and tanker ... read more

Join the Lopez Island Salish Sea Stands Information Session – 2/9

February 4, 2017

February 9, 7-8 p.m. at Grace Church. Friends and community members are leading a collaborative educational seminar for the Salish Sea Stands initiative, other involved organizations, and interested islanders. The session will focus on how to effectively communicate with key legislators about the environmental and economic threats San Juan County faces from greatly increased oil tanker traffic linked to ... read more

Action Alert: Comment on the Oil Transportation Safety Bill!

January 29, 2017

The 2017 Legislative Session is now in full swing and oil transportation is a hot issue. Despite the critical gains around public disclosure and preparedness measures, significant gaps remain that put our communities and waterways at risk of an oil spill or other such disaster. In response, Representative Farrell (46th) and Senator Carlyle (36th) introduced ... read more

Join “Salish Sea Stands on Capitol Hill Day” on February 13 in Olympia!

January 26, 2017

The legislative session in Washington State is underway and we want to make sure that the environment and economy of the Salish Sea are protected. Now is the time to register if you would like to join us for the “Salish Sea Stands on Capitol Hill Day” in Olympia on February 13. We will be ... read more

Stand for the Salish Sea Rallies – January 16!

January 10, 2017

Text version: Islanders are invited to take part in a countywide “Salish Sea Stands” day of action on MLK Day, Monday, January 16 against the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion to the United States. The Trans Mountain Pipeline, owned by Kinder Morgan, received approval from the Canadian government to proceed. The project will affect the Salish Sea ... read more

Kinder Morgan Action Alert: Don’t let BP put our region at risk!

December 16, 2016

The expansion of Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain Pipeline endangers our region. They are projected to nearly triple capacity of the existing pipeline from 300,000 to 890,000 barrels of tar sands crude oil a day—AND increase vessel traffic through the Salish Sea seven-fold, with each tanker holding more than twenty-five million gallons of oil. Some of ... read more

Canada Approved the Kinder Morgan Project – What’s next?

December 2, 2016

Concerned by the national election results and now the Canadian government’s approval of the Kinder Morgan Transmountain Pipeline expansion? We are too. It is clear that our work at Friends is more difficult and more necessary than ever. With both threats and opportunities before us, let’s stand together to protect this place and the communities ... read more

The Salish Sea, a Vessel Highway?

August 28, 2016

If all the new and expanding terminal and refinery projects in the Salish Sea are permitted and developed, including projects that became operational in 2014, there would be a 43% increase in large, commercial marine vessel traffic. FRIENDS and San Juan Islanders for Safe Shipping have released the Salish Sea Vessel Traffic Projections featuring 18 ... read more

The Salish Sea, a Vessel Highway?

August 17, 2016

If all the new and expanding terminal and refinery projects in the Salish Sea are permitted and developed, including projects that became operational in 2014, there would be a 43% increase in large, commercial marine vessel traffic. FRIENDS and San Juan Islanders for Safe Shipping have released the Salish Sea Vessel Traffic Projections featuring 18 ... read more

We live in such a pivotal time. Future generations are depending on us to protect and restore what will be their environment. We support the Friends because they tackle the issues that really make a big difference in our local environment, while also squeezing maximum value out of every dollar in their budget.

Ken and Mariann Carrasco

members, Orcas Island