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Read our November Highwater Marks E-Newsletter

November 12, 2021

Check out the November issue of our e-newsletter – Highwater Marks! You’ll see the latest update to the Salish Sea Vessel Traffic Projections, learn how to register for the new Youth for Change environmental leadership club, hear from Katie as she transitions out of her role at Friends to a new position in our community ... read more

Words from the Next Generation: Hy’Shqa—Blessing

November 11, 2021

Twenty years ago the Samish Nation gave J37, a newborn Southern Resident Orca calf, the name Hy’Shqa. From the Coast Salish language, the name translates to “blessing” or “thank-you” in English. Hy’Shqa was born in January 2001 to Samish (J14), and in 2012, she gave birth to a calf of her own, T’ilem I’nges (J49). ... read more

Read our July Highwater Marks E-Newsletter

July 13, 2021

Check out the July issue of our e-newsletter – Highwater Marks! You’ll learn about: how to register for a boat trip to Sucia with Friends, get an update on the Phillips 66 appeal, read about the importance of membership – and lots more! Read it here.

Friends of the San Juans and Southern Resident Killer Whales Achieve Victory in Court

April 8, 2021

This week, Whatcom County Superior Court Judge David Freeman delivered a court victory both to Friends of the San Juans and to the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales. “We’re very excited about this ruling,” said Brent Lyles, Friends’ Executive Director, “and it’s been a long time coming!” The issue started in early 2019, when the ... read more

Tell Washington State to say YES to Southern Resident Killer Whales & NO to industries that could cause oil spills!

March 29, 2021

Sign this petition to tell Washington State’s Department of Ecology to require the industries that could cause a major oil spill to comply with state regulations, and to identify and fund the reconnaissance and deterrence operations that will be needed to protect Southern Resident Killer Whales from a major oil spill. Tell Ecology to not let ... read more

Read our March Highwater Marks E-Newsletter

March 15, 2021

Check out the March issue of our e-newsletter – Highwater Marks! You’ll learn about our new virtual reality education program, get the link for our petition that asks the WA Department of Ecology to require oil spill contingency plans that include the required wildlife response protections for the critically endangered Southern Residents, hear how shifting baselines are ... read more

Take Action Now to Protect SEPA!

April 2, 2019

Here in Washington, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) is a foundational tool that provides important information and opportunities for public input on projects that impact the environment. SEPA is the law that ensures that projects are evaluated and the public can have a say in the review and assessment of the project. SEPA also ... read more

Read about The Tar Sands Threat to Northwest Waters

May 25, 2017

Sightline’s new article, The Tar Sands Threat to Northwest Waters, by Friends board member Michael Riordan, explains how the Kinder Morgan Pipeline threatens all of Puget Sound and the Salish Sea. “Every week another barge or tanker traverses the narrow straits through the San Juan Islands north of Seattle, bearing a cargo of tar-sands crude ... read more

Pull Together Against Kinder Morgan @ Upcoming Benefit Concerts!

March 10, 2017

Pull Together: First Nations Standing Against Kinder Morgan Benefit Concerts and Talks – Coming to an Island Near You! Mar. 30, San Juan Island , Brickworks Mar. 31, Orcas, Westsound Community Center Apr. 1, Lopez, Woodmen Hall Apr. 2, Anacortes, Seafarers Memorial Park Bldg. (all events are from 7-8:30 p.m.) Kinder Morgan’s pipeline and tanker ... read more

Join the Lopez Island Salish Sea Stands Information Session – 2/9

February 4, 2017

February 9, 7-8 p.m. at Grace Church. Friends and community members are leading a collaborative educational seminar for the Salish Sea Stands initiative, other involved organizations, and interested islanders. The session will focus on how to effectively communicate with key legislators about the environmental and economic threats San Juan County faces from greatly increased oil tanker traffic linked to ... read more

I have supported the mission of the Friends of the San Juans through the years because it is a citizen-advocacy organization devoted to protecting, preserving, and restoring the natural shorelines and native habitats in the San Juans and surrounding waters through science and education for generations to come.

Bob Porter

member, Lopez Island