climate change

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You know that students hold the power to create change – they are counting on us.

April 30, 2021

You know that students hold the power to create change — they are an electrified force. At Friends, Katie Fleming, our Community Engagement Director, embraces that energy. Katie is in her essence, electric! She lights up the classroom talking with students. She illuminates student potential on field trips to Olympia, as a conductor between local legislators ... read more

Overcoming Shifting Baselines

March 12, 2021

A few years ago, I was combing the beach of Barlow Bay on Lopez Island when I found a whelk shell that had washed out of a midden. This shell was easily ten times larger than the others I had often found dotting the beach, and I have never seen another whelk shell like it. ... read more

Read our February Highwater Marks E-Newsletter

March 8, 2021

Check out the first issue of our new e-newsletter – Highwater Marks! You’ll learn about how you can help salmon and orca with your shoreline property, get an update on San Juan County’s Comp Plan progress, hear about what experiences from the pandemic we can apply to the climate crisis, get the first look at our ... read more

Comp Plan Update: What future do you want for our community?

February 11, 2021

For many decades, working on behalf of and with our members, Friends of the San Juans has been diligently engaging in updates to San Juan County’s official Comprehensive Plan. Known as the “Comp Plan,” it guides how our community will look in the future. The County’s Comp Plan sets goals and priorities that guide the ... read more

Hindsight’s 2020 – Learning from the Pandemic to Address the Climate Crisis

February 11, 2021

2020 was supposed to be the year where we acted on the climate crisis. It was the fifth anniversary of the Paris climate agreement, the fiftieth anniversary of Earth Day, and the conclusion of a historical decade for climate activism. Instead, it was a year like no other. Fires, hurricanes, and a global pandemic. But ... read more

Be a Superhero for Planet Earth! 2020 Fall Great Islands Clean-up September 28 – October 4

September 10, 2020

We’re asking Superheroes of all ages to unite and help us clean-up our islands during this year’s Fall Great Islands Clean-up! The event will be a week-long household/individual effort beginning September 28 and running through October 4, 2020. This is an opportunity for our community to get outside, get some exercise, and help make our ... read more

Celebrate Earth Day with the Earth Month Pledge!

April 7, 2020

This month, Friends of the San Juans and the Stewardship Network of the San Juans are partnering to bring you the “San Juan Islands Earth Month Pledge.” Join us to create digital community solidarity for the health of the planet! We are not advocating that you go far from home – we just wanted to ... read more

Join us! Green Investment Lecture w/ Toby Cooper & Georgette Wong on 4/11

March 28, 2019

April 11, Emmanuel Episcopal Parish, Orcas Island, 6:30-8 p.m. Friends of the San Juans is excited to partner with Toby Cooper and Georgette Wong to bring information to the community about green investing – a movement that benefits humanity and the planet. Toby, a sustainability advocate and career financial professional will trace rise of socially-responsible ... read more

Vote for Clean Air & Climate Action – YES on 1631!

October 23, 2018

On Monday, October 8, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the leading international body for the assessment of climate change, told us that we have 12 years to limit climate change catastrophe. This is an urgent call to action.  We must move faster to lower greenhouse gas emissions – Washington state citizens can play an important role in this effort by voting ... read more

The San Juan Island Climate March was Awesome!

May 1, 2017

Our community and the world made it clear on Saturday, April 29th that the people who stand for climate action, justice, and jobs are a force too great to ignore! 300 participants joined us in Friday Harbor, more than 200,000 people showed up in the streets of DC, and there were over 100,000 participants at sister ... read more

I have supported the mission of the Friends of the San Juans through the years because it is a citizen-advocacy organization devoted to protecting, preserving, and restoring the natural shorelines and native habitats in the San Juans and surrounding waters through science and education for generations to come.

Bob Porter

member, Lopez Island