beyond fossil fuels

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Friends Ensures Added Protections for Southern Resident Killer Whales in Regard to Phillips 66 Refinery Expansion

December 27, 2019

On August 29, 2019, Friends of the San Juans appealed Whatcom County’s conditional approval of a 300,000-barrel external floating roof crude oil storage tank and an 80,000-barrel external floating roof fuel oil storage tank in a tank farm located within the Phillips 66 Ferndale Refinery. On behalf of Friends members and the 73 living Southern ... read more
big oil

Ask the Senate Ways and Means Committee to Support Oil Spill Prevention!

April 2, 2019

Oil spills threaten the Salish Sea and Washington’s coast every day. These risks threaten coastal jobs, cultures and livelihoods, as well as the endangered Southern Resident orcas. This year, the House of Representatives has moved forward oil spill prevention legislation to modernize our safeguards and protect our environment, economy, and endangered orcas from the devastation ... read more
big oil

Take Action Now to Protect SEPA!

April 2, 2019

Here in Washington, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) is a foundational tool that provides important information and opportunities for public input on projects that impact the environment. SEPA is the law that ensures that projects are evaluated and the public can have a say in the review and assessment of the project. SEPA also ... read more

Comment on Canada’s Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion project by November 20th!

November 15, 2018

Since 2014, we have been sending letters to Canada’s National Energy Board (NEB) to protect our shorelines and the Southern Resident Killer Whales from the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion project. The increased risk of diluted bitumen (dilbit) Alberta Tar Sands crude oil spills in our waters and the Southern Residents’ critical habitat is not justified ... read more

Action Alert: Ensure oil spill prevention and response readiness in the Salish Sea!

November 8, 2018

Washington State requires refineries to have a state-approved oil spill response plan that ensures their ability to respond to major oil spills. Ecology is asking for public comments on the contingency plan for the Anacortes refinery that used to be called Tesoro, was then re-branded as Andeavor, and has now been bought by Marathon Oil. Your ... read more

Stand strong with BC and First Nations against Kinder Morgan

May 5, 2018

Kinder Morgan Canada announced that it’s suspending “all non-essential activities and related spending” on the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion, and won’t move forward with the project without “the ability to construct through British Columbia” and “adequate protection” of Kinder Morgan shareholders.* We want them to suspend this pipeline project for good! Let’s stand with our ... read more
big oil

Friends Appeals the Tesoro/Andeavor Xylene Project

April 5, 2018

On April 4, seven local and regional environmental organizations appealed Skagit County’s approval of a project that would ship hundreds of millions of gallons of toxic chemicals through the Salish Sea every year, much of it destined for Asia. The groups maintain that the approval for the Tesoro (recently renamed Andeavor) Anacortes Refinery petrochemical expansion ... read more

EFSEC Recommends DENIAL to Vancouver Tesoro Oil Terminal

November 30, 2017

On November 28th, the Energy Council responsible for giving Governor Inslee a recommendation on how to proceed on the Vancouver, WA Tesoro Oil Terminal unanimously voted to disapprove the project. Why? Because year after year 300,000 citizens have demonstrated by showing up, giving testimony, and being part of this coalition that this project is simply too ... read more
big oil

Action Alert: A Simple Way To Fight the Oil Industry!

August 22, 2017

We need your help to take a stand against the oil industry. Stand Up To Oil , a coalition of regional environmental groups (including Friends of the San Juans), has been selected to receive up to $100,000 from CREDO Donations — but the amount of funding they receive depends on you. Each month, our friends at CREDO donate ... read more
big oil

Attend the Salish Sea Stands for Climate Action March!

March 30, 2017

Join us for a rally and march on April 29th in Friday Harbor on San Juan Island in solidarity with the People’s Climate Movement Marches throughout the world. Plus the march will end at an electric vehicle and renewable energy fair! The People’s Climate Movement and Mobilization is part of a larger strategy to push ... read more

Each year I make a generous gift to the Friends of the San Juans because it’s the one organization where I can actually follow the money from my checkbook to observable measurable outcomes. Will you join me in making a gift to support one of the most beautiful, precious, fragile monuments to nature on earth?

George Lawson

members, Lopez Island