Call or Email Your Legislators About Our Plastics Problem!

The Recycling Reform Act (SB 5284 / HB 1150), sponsored by Senator Liz Lovelett and Representative Liz Berry, would modernize our recycling system in Washington. It would create a producer responsibility program in which manufacturers and brands collaborate to reduce unnecessary packaging and paper, fund statewide recycling services, and ensure that materials are actually recycled. Specific incentives are built in to reduce plastic packaging. 

Contact your legislators through Friday, March 8th

After successful hearings in both the house and the senate, SB 5284/HB1150 is headed for a vote on the floor. Now is the time to contact your representatives and urge them to vote YES for Recycling Reform in WA State. Call or email to make sure your voice is heard!  

Here’s a sample message to help guide your advocacy when reaching out to legislators:

Dear [Senator/Representative] __________________,

Please support the Washington Recycling Reform Act (SB5284/ HB1150).    

As your constituent, I am extremely frustrated with our broken recycling system. We are drowning in plastic. It’s polluting our lands, our waters, and our bodies. Currently, plastic packaging is nearly impossible for consumers to avoid. Our state needs to take action to turn off the tap now.

Right now, there is no guarantee that what I put in my recycling bin is actually being recycled. In Washington State, only a portion of the plastic packaging is actually being recycled, the rest ends up in landfills or the environment.  

The Recycling Reform Act will require packaging, paper product companies, and brands to fund our recycling system. This will bring consistent and accessible recycling to all state residents. It will reduce packaging and excess waste and create education programs to reduce confusion. It will incentivize companies to develop packaging products that are easier to recycle and limit the use of virgin materials.   

This bill will overhaul the way our state handles recyclables and will lead to a significant reduction in litter, marine debris, and landfill waste. California, Oregon, British Columbia, Maine, and Minnesota all have EPR policies in place, and we must join them.    

Please vote yes for SB SB5284 and HB1150!

Thank you,  

[Your Name]

We believe that our property is more valuable if we and our neighbors protect the shoreline. Orcas need salmon. Salmon need forage fish. Salmon and forage fish need the protection of eelgrass and kelp. Eelgrass and kelp need clean water. Shoreline protections are good for ecosystems and for the long-term economy of these lovely islands.

Val and Leslie Veirs

members, San Juan Island