Ken Putney

Gathering of the Eagles Canoe Journey

March 2, 2024

Friends is honored to collect donations for this extraordinary inter-island tribal canoe journey, “Esqaplh etse Kwelengsen, Gathering of Eagles.” All are welcome at this grassroots journey following the ancestral highways of the Lhaq’temish, Lummi, people, which is hosted each year in the springtime in the Lhaq’temish homelands of Lopez, San Juan, Orcas and Lummi Islands. ... read more

Why does recurring membership matter?

February 17, 2022

Recurring membership matters because we began as a grassroots organization and 43 years later, the roots that bind us are our members who continue to support our work.  We invite you to join as a monthly recurring member so we can all focus on the future. When you become a member of Friends, you play a vital ... read more

The future we see is up to us.

March 12, 2021

When our members consider how they can support Friends of the San Juans, it is more often than not through contributions like annual gifts, memberships and recurring donations. If you’re a member, your dedication is admirable, and your contributions are critical for the immediate availability of funds that help us meet our mission and protect ... read more

Joan and I love this tiny corner of paradise and know that Mother Nature needs all the help she can get. We are solidly friends of the Friends of the San Juans.

Jon and Joan Christoffersen

members, Shaw Island