Friends of the San Juans

page: 5

Fast-Tracking the Comp Plan Update

February 17, 2022

The San Juan County Council has shifted into a full-throttle, get-this-thing-across-the-finish-line approach to the update process for San Juan County’s Comprehensive Plan, or Comp Plan. This has implications for the effectiveness of the Comp Plan and also for public engagement in the update process. The County’s fast track plan will add more pressure on all ... read more

40 Days into the State Legislative Session…Update on our Priorities

February 17, 2022

40 Days into the State Legislative Session…Update on our Priorities Thank you to everyone who has responded to our action alerts and registered support for our legislative priorities! We are more than half-way through the legislative session. Bills (except for those related to the budget) must pass out of the opposite house by March 4th. ... read more

Voices of the Next Generation: Redefining Exploration by Kaia Olson

February 17, 2022

I recently read an article from a Canadian news organization titled “The Future of Exploration.” In it, author Kate Harris examines how traditional exploration’s complicated past makes it difficult to reconcile with modern values of justice and sustainability. From Marco Polo to Lewis and Clark, most famous expeditions have been glorified in western culture while ... read more

Read our January Highwater Marks E-Newsletter

January 20, 2022

Check out the January issue of our e-newsletter – Highwater Marks! You can read the results of our 10 year Armor Change Study, Catch up on Environmental Legislative Priorities, and much more!

Voices of the Next Generation: 3,000 Days by Kaia Olson

January 20, 2022

In February 2021 I wrote about how we could learn from the pandemic to address the climate crisis. A year later, every day still brings us closer to the 2030 planetary tipping point for irreversible ecological change. As the new year begins in 2022, 2030 seems a long way away. But we have just 96 ... read more

Environmental Protections, Climate Action and More at the State Legislature

January 20, 2022

The 2022 Washington State Legislative Session began on January 10th and runs for 60 days. This is the second year of the biennial session, which usually results in only small changes to the budget. However, the positive revenue forecast plus the passage of the federal bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act provides an unprecedented opportunity to increase ... read more

Friends Research Highlights Issues with Shoreline Armor Enforcement and Permitting

January 20, 2022

By Madeline Feaster and Tina Whitman As you know, Friends of the San Juans protects and restores natural shorelines to support forage fish, salmon, and the Southern Resident orca. In addition, Friends also conducts research on these shoreline habitats. We recently completed a Shoreline Armor Mapping, Change Analysis, and Regulatory Review project that provides an ... read more

Read our December Highwater Marks E-Newsletter

December 15, 2021

Check out the December issue of our e-newsletter – Highwater Marks! We share our highlights from 2021, discuss Trust, Truth, and Gratitude, show photos from our Immersive Salish Sea Education with Lopez and Orcas students and our restoration planting at Salmon Point with the Island Conservation Corps, and much more! Read it here. Photo by ... read more

Voices of the Next Generation: Community Climate Resilience by Kaia Olson

December 15, 2021

Voices of the next generation – Community Climate Resilience By Kaia Olson In less than thirty years, my grandparents’ property on Lopez will be an island, the house only accessible by boat. And with some of the local roads already facing erosion and washout during the winter storms and extreme rain events, the routes are ... read more

Let’s Celebrate our Accomplishments! Highlights from 2021

December 15, 2021

As we reach the end of 2021, there is a lot to celebrate, and we could not have achieved so much without you. Please enjoy this look back at the highlights of what your support has helped us accomplish in 2021. Salish Sea Vessel Traffic Projections We recently released an update to our Salish Sea ... read more

I want the beach to be able to be here for my grandchildren… for my nieces, nephews, and godchildren. That’s when we made the decision to contact Friends of the San Juans.

Mariluz Villa

member, Brown Island