Elise Cope

page: 4

Earth Day Message from Jay Julius, W’tot lhem

April 20, 2023

The following message is shared by Jay Julius, W’tot lhem. Jay is the former Chairman of the Lummi Nation, a full-time fisherman and father, and the Founder and President of Se’Si’Le.   The organization Se’Si’Le offers workshops, symposiums, forums, and direct-action campaigns that “bring people and organizations into a deeper and truer understanding of Indigenous ... read more

San Olson

March 13, 2023

San Olson

Welcoming three new board members!

February 24, 2023

Erin Licata, Fidalgo Island — Erin is a tribal community member of the Samish Indian Nation and serves as the Madrona Institute’s Co-Director of the Coast Salish Youth Stewardship Corps. Erin also brings a background in science research to the board. Jan Knudson, Blaine — Jan decided she wanted to join the Friends board after touring ... read more

Brown Island Restoration Update

December 14, 2022

We soaked up some fall sunshine during a follow-up visit to our restoration site on Brown Island near Friday Harbor. Huge thanks to participating private landowners, the Islands Conservation Corps (ICC) and Northwest Straits Foundation for their support of this work! Friends and the ICC removed unnatural rock that had surfaced since our initial 2015 armor removal and beach ... read more

This November, Amplify Indigenous Voices

November 17, 2022

It’s Native American Heritage Month, and here at Friends, we’re reflecting amongst ourselves and with our partners, exploring what it means to be good allies to Tribal Nations. Our work takes place on the homelands of the Lummi, Saanich, Klallam and Samish who have a deep history rooted here in their traditional fishing grounds—though many ... read more

End in sight for the Comp Plan Update!

November 17, 2022

In October 2022, we provided background on the Comprehensive Plan and the ongoing County Update process. You can still access that information here. This month, we’re providing an overview of the progress of the Comprehensive Plan update for San Juan County and sharing what we might expect in 2023. Attending public hearing in person is the ... read more

Course Correction Needed for Rapidly Changing Shorelines

November 17, 2022

The shorelines of the San Juan Islands are dynamic places where land and sea meet in a collision of geology, water, and natural forces. When left unchanged by humans, shorelines and the wide range of life they support are amazingly resilient. But what happens when we modify our shorelines to accommodate our desires to build ... read more

Known Pacific Sand Lance Spawning Sites in San Juan County More Than Doubled

October 20, 2022

Friends of the San Juans recently completed a multi-year research project for a particular species of forage fish: the Pacific sand lance. Forage fish are an essential player in the Salish Sea marine food web as prey for salmon, rockfish, seabirds, and other marine mammals. Sand lance are especially important in the diet of juvenile ... read more

Prepare to be inspired October 1st!

September 5, 2022

Join Friends for a special afternoon with Amy Gulick Amy is a widely acclaimed writer and photographer, whose award-winning books include The Salmon Way: An Alaska State of Mind, and Salmon in the Trees: Life in Alaska’s Tongass Rain Forest. Through her storytelling, engaging experiences, and stunning images, Amy will be asking us to think ... read more

Eco-Friendly Tourism in the San Juan Islands

July 15, 2022

According to the San Juan Islands Visitors Bureau, about one million people visit our archipelago each year to immerse themselves in our Pacific Northwest wonderland. That’s a huge impact on people and nature alike. Whether you are a resident looking for tools to share with your guests or are planning a visit yourself, there are ... read more

Now more than ever Friends of the San Juans needs our support. Learn about the Friends, educate yourself, and you will inevitably want to be a Friend because that is who we turn to when we need support to protect this place.

Liza Michaelson

member, San Juan Island