Purchase artisan salmon at Crow Valley Gallery to support orca!

Crow Valley Gallery, local artist Esther Clark, and Friends of the San Juans have partnered to protect what we love!

Purchase one of a kind, locally-made artisan salmon at Crow Valley Gallery in Eastsound to support orca and the Salish Sea food chain. The ceramic salmon are $250 and Friends of the San Juans will receive a portion of the profits.

Friends of the San Juans advocates for shoreline and near shore habitat protections, oil spill prevention, quieter seas, and more food for the Southern Resident orcas.

Southern Residents must consume thousands of Chinook salmon every year to survive, in turn salmon must eat thousands of forage fish; and forage fish need natural shorelines and nearshore habitat on which to lay their eggs. Friends’ programs help the Southern Residents and this web of connections we all share and depend on. A portion of your salmon purchase will support our Orca Protection Fund.

Crow Valley has been offering its own pottery since 1959. In recent years it has evolved into one of the Pacific Northwest’s most enjoyable Art Galleries. Featuring the varied works of over 80 artists, no two visits are ever alike! The shop blends new art offerings and the “Old Island” feeling.

Esther Clark is a locally grown Northwest Native, born and raised sailing and hiking in the northwest. A Graduate of The Evergreen State College, with B.A. in Public Education, Esther has sought ways to help benefit the community. Public art has a very high impact on the awareness through community building. Esther hopes this project will inspire an impact of preservation of the salmon for generations to come. Esther Clark lives and works on Orcas Island, in the San Juan Islands.

Joan and I love this tiny corner of paradise and know that Mother Nature needs all the help she can get. We are solidly friends of the Friends of the San Juans.

Jon and Joan Christoffersen

members, Shaw Island