A Fond Farewell to Katie

Dear members and supporters,

I have accepted the Solid Waste Coordinator position in San Juan County’s Department of Environmental Stewardship. I love Friends of the San Juans and have greatly enjoyed interacting with all of you in my role as Community Engagement Director over the past 9.5 years – you have inspired me in so many ways as we’ve worked together to protect and restore this incredible place we call home. But I am also excited for the opportunity to address sustainability by waste reduction from a different angle. I am embarking on this new adventure with a plan to implement important community-wide solutions and make some real progressive change for our environment.

Through my job at Friends, I have made numerous connections with the programs and players in our county’s solid waste scene. I have been engaged with the Solid Waste Advisory Committee, Plastic Free Salish Sea, Transition San Juan Island’s Waste Reduction Team, and the Great Islands Clean-up for many years. I will be able to hit the ground running to explore new initiatives and I plan to support further reduction, reuse, recycling, and composting opportunities in the islands.

My last day at Friends will be on November 30. Thank you for your support of me and Friends over the years. I am not going far. I will still be very much a part of our collective mission, and I know I’ll continue to collaborate with many of you. Please reach out to me with any ideas you have for my new position.

Here’s to new beginnings and to reducing the carbon footprint of our community’s waste stream!

All my very best,


It wasn’t until 1979 that San Juan County got a comprehensive growth plan and that was largely due to the Friends of the San Juan’s being there to advocate for the shoreline and the ecosystem. Since then, there have been constant waves of pressure by developers. Friends have risen each time, fighting to protect this fragile and precious place.

Liza Michaelson

member, San Juan Island