Ken Putney | Data and Gifts Administrator

Ken Putney

Data and Gifts Administrator

With experience in philanthropy, Ken is excited to use his skills to connect the critical work of Friends of the San Juans to those most interested and affected by it. Ken brings a BS in Business Administration and Computer Information Systems and decades of experience in Microsoft Office, Networking, and database management. Ken retired from the US Navy in 2007 after 20 years as an Electronics and Network technician. His career took him across every ocean, resulting in a true love of the sea. An avid sailor, he has spent time on most of the San Juan Islands, and as a Midwest native he has a visitor’s appreciation for Washington’s mountains. Ken had the great fortune early in his career to volunteer to help National Science Foundation scientists in Antarctica. Since then, he has always found ways to help the environmental causes important to him. 

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Friends has done so much to identify those critical beaches where the forage fish are spawning and that is work that I value greatly. Once we know the spawning locations, we can permanently protect those very important beaches.

Debby Clausen and Kim Sundberg

members, San Juan Island