Join us – An Evening in the Islands with Friends – Nov. 15

Please join us from the comfort of your home on November 15th at 5:30pm for the Annual Meeting of Friends of the San Juans. Immerse yourself, virtually, in the beauty of our islands, hear about impactful work that is happening today, and learn how you can protect the San Juan Islands in 2021.

Register for the FriendsAnnual Meeting HERE!

We will be sharing what we have accomplished and achieved this year, thanks in large part to your dedicated support. Despite how difficult this year has been for all of us here in the San Juan Islands community, there’s a lot to celebrate!

At our Annual Meeting, we will be introducing our new Executive Director, Brent Lyles, and we will present highlights from our programmatic impacts this year. We will shine spotlights on our efforts to protect Southern Resident orcas, to inspire and engage the next generation of environmental stewards, to protect our islands and ecosystems from anexplosion of shipping through our waters, to work with landowners and other partners to restore critical habitat for forage fish and young salmon – and much more.

Sprinkled throughout our Annual Meeting program, you’ll also hear from community leaders and see some friendly faces. We will wrap up the evening with reflections by Thor Hanson and an opportunity to support Friends’ important programs in 2021.

We know it has been a year of uncertainty, and the immediate needs of neighbors and family have weighed on our hearts and minds. However, the world is changing rapidly, including pressing threats to the natural shorelines and marine ecosystems here at home. With your help, the innovative programs at Friends of the San Juans will help our community become more prepared and resilient. We will accomplish that and thrive together.

Come listen in and find hope with Friends of the San Juans’ new leadership, action, and tireless determination from the nonprofit you have trusted for more than 40 years to protect and restore what you love.

We’ll see you there! Click here to register.

San Juan County is at the center of existing and proposed fossil fuel export projects. We have much to lose and nothing to gain. Our community needs to stay informed, get involved, and be part of the public process of understanding the approaching changes which will affect us all.

San Olson

member, Lopez Island