Ask the Senate Ways and Means Committee to Support Oil Spill Prevention!

Oil spills threaten the Salish Sea and Washington’s coast every day. These risks threaten coastal jobs, cultures and livelihoods, as well as the endangered Southern Resident orcas. This year, the House of Representatives has moved forward oil spill prevention legislation to modernize our safeguards and protect our environment, economy, and endangered orcas from the devastation of an oil spill.

Contact your State Senator and/or the Senate Ways and Means Committee today and ask them to support ESHB 1578 and protect our state from the threat of a catastrophic oil spill in our waters!


Subject: Your support is needed for ESHB 1578

Dear Senate Ways and Means Committee,

I am writing you today to urge you to improve oil spill prevention in our State by supporting ESHB 1578 Reducing threats to southern resident killer whales by improving the safety of oil transportation.

Our waters support the life and natural beauty of our state and bolster our growing economy. The risk of oil spills threatens Washington’s robust fishing industry, strong coastal tourism and recreation economy, shoreline properties, and a world-class marine ecosystem, as well as the critically endangered Southern Resident orca.

Washington’s oil spill prevention program has not kept up with the changing risk. Over the last decade, under-regulated barges and smaller tankers have increasingly been used to transport crude oil and oil products, while at the same time there have been changes in the type of oil moving through the state. Heavy, sinking oils are being carried through the Salish Sea by tug and tank barges, which do not operate with the same safety regulations as oil tankers.

We need modernized safeguards that address all vessels transporting oil through the Salish Sea and protect our communities and environment from the threat of a major oil spill.

All it takes is one catastrophic oil spill to deeply harm our State’s beautiful environment and growing economy. I am in full support of ESHB 1578 to reduce the threat of a catastrophic oil spill in our waters. I urge you to support these reasonable oil spill prevention measures this session.

Thank you,


Senate Ways and Means Committee

Copy and paste addresses for email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Senator Sponsor of SB 5578? Legislative District Email Phone
Rolfes, Christine (D) Chair 23 [email protected] (360) 786-7644
Frockt, David (D) Vice Chair Sponsor 46 [email protected] (360) 786-7690
Mullet, Mark (D) 5 [email protected] (360) 786-7608
Braun, John (R) Ranking Member 20 [email protected] (360) 786-7638
Brown, Sharon (R) Assistant Ranking Member 8 [email protected] (360) 786-7614
Honeyford, Jim (R) Assistant Ranking Member 15 [email protected] (360) 786-7684
Bailey, Barbara (R) 10 [email protected] (360) 786-7618
Becker, Randi (R) 2 [email protected] (360) 786-7602
Billig, Andy (D) Sponsor 3 [email protected] (360) 786-7604
Carlyle, Reuven (D) Sponsor 36 [email protected] (360) 786-7670
Conway, Steve (D) Sponsor 29 [email protected] (360) 786-7656
Darneille, Jeannie (D) 27 [email protected] (360) 786-7652
Hasegawa, Bob (D) 11 [email protected] (360) 786-7616
Hunt, Sam (D) Sponsor 22 [email protected] (360) 786-7642
Keiser, Karen (D) Sponsor 33 [email protected] (360) 786-7664
Liias, Marko (D) Sponsor 21 [email protected] (360) 786-7640
Palumbo, Guy (D) Sponsor 1 [email protected] (360) 786-7600
Pedersen, Jamie (D) Sponsor 43 [email protected] (360) 786-7628
Rivers, Ann (R) 18 [email protected] (360) 786-7634
Schoesler, Mark (R) 9 [email protected] (360) 786-7620
Van De Wege, Kevin (D) Prime Sponsor 24 [email protected] (360) 786-7646
Wagoner, Keith (R) 39 [email protected] (360) 786-7676
Warnick, Judy (R) 13 [email protected] (360) 786-7624
Wilson, Lynda (R) 17 [email protected] (360) 786-7632

It’s important to us that any organization we are involved with actually gets things done, and the work that the Friends takes on so capably really does make a difference.

Ken and Mariann Carrasco

members, Orcas Island