2017 Great Islands Clean-up this EARTH DAY!

Saturday – April 22, 2017 from 9AM to 12PM

Help make the San Juan Islands “Litter Free by the Sea” by joining this county-wide greening event where volunteers will collect litter from public beaches and roadways. Connect with your business, school, non-profit or service groups, families and friends, and turn out for Earth Day!

Contact your island’s organizers directly from the list below or click here to find details on Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheGreatIslandsCleanUp

On San Juan Island:

For roadside clean-ups, contact Lori Stokes (360-378-4643 or [email protected])

For beach clean-ups, contact Jana Marks (378-2319 or [email protected])

On Orcas Island:

For roads or beaches, contact Pete Moe at Orcas Recycling Services (376-4089 or [email protected])

On Lopez Island:

For roadside clean-ups, contact Nikyta Palmisani (468-2555 or [email protected] )

For beach clean-ups, contact Nick Teague (468-3754 or [email protected])

On Shaw Island:

For roads or beaches, contact Stephanie Buffum (472-0404 or [email protected] )

Or just drop in at SJI National Historic Parks’ South Beach to help Friends and park staff clean our longest beach for people and wildlife. Access to South Beach is from Pickett’s Lane off of Cattle Point Rd. on San Juan Island. Past year’s cleanups have removed 100’s of pounds of marine debris and litter from this beach. All volunteers at the South Beach clean-up will receive a canvas shopping bag in appreciation and celebration of the county’s plastic bag ban that is scheduled to be implemented on May 1, 2017.

San Juan County is at the center of existing and proposed fossil fuel export projects. We have much to lose and nothing to gain. Our community needs to stay informed, get involved, and be part of the public process of understanding the approaching changes which will affect us all.

San Olson

member, Lopez Island