planned giving for professionals

for attorneys, estate planning professionals, and financial advisors

If you are an attorney or financial advisor with a client wishing to leave a gift in their will to Friends of the San Juans, please pass on our sincerest gratitude for their intention to provide a powerful and lasting legacy to protect what we love for future generations. Please click here to see our Planned Giving Sample Language.

Our promise and passion.

For more than 40 years we have been the trusted and leading local nonprofit dedicated to the mission of protecting and restoring the San Juan Islands and Salish Sea for people and nature. You can trust that we will allocate funding where it will have the greatest impact. We will remain steadfast as we continue to meet the rising challenges we face in a changing climate and island environment.

We understand how important it is to use the funds in a manner that meets expectations and a personal passion. We believe communication is a key to understanding, information, and transparency. We will answer any questions you may have with honesty and a thoughtfulness you can only feel from a small, thriving, local nonprofit.

Your client does not have to tell us about a gift.  If they do, we are here to listen and discuss the details of their decision in greater detail. They can trust that we will make the most of their gift and legacy. Thank you.

If you have questions or your client would like to discuss the intention of their gift please don’t hesitate to contact Michel at 360-378-3991 or by email.

Joan and I love this tiny corner of paradise and know that Mother Nature needs all the help she can get. We are solidly friends of the Friends of the San Juans.

Jon and Joan Christoffersen

members, Shaw Island