Tom Reynolds
Board of Directors
Tom and his wife Mariluz have resided full-time on Brown Island since 2011, and participated with Friends of the San Juans and adjacent neighbors on a beach restoration project in 2015, removing armoring and planting native beach grasses to encourage spawning of feeder fish on their collector beach. The project has been a success, with flourishing beach grass, increased sand levels, and identification of feeder fish eggs!
Tom holds an MD and a PhD in Biophysics from Stanford University, and spent his career developing new drugs to help people with cancer and other serious illnesses. In the last decade he has served on multiple public and private company boards, as a member and chairperson of the San Juan Islands National Monument Advisory Committee, and as Senior Warden of St. Davids Episcopal Church on San Juan Island.
Tom is an active outdoorsman, backpacking and hiking in the mountains of Washington and further afield, and can frequently be found kayaking or paddleboarding in the Salish Sea, often with his wife Mariluz. He believes in the stewardship of creation from our homes to our planet.