livable communities

page: 4

REFUSE, REDUCE, and REUSE – How to Reduce Your Waste Impact in COVID-19 Times

May 28, 2020

Keeping safe and healthy during the COVID-19 global pandemic is removing much of the gains we have made in reducing plastic use and is creating new waste issues. Grocery stores around the country are not allowing re-usable bags (and bans are being put on hold), coffee shops are refusing to refill personal mugs, and as ... read more

Vacation Rentals in San Juan County

February 20, 2020

As of summer 2019, there are currently over 1,000 permitted vacation rentals in San Juan County, WA. Currently there is no limit on the number of vacation rentals in the county, and permits convey with the sale of a property. Unlike official businesses like bed and breakfasts, hotels and resorts, licensing constraints are minimal for ... read more

Friends Participates in Second Vacation Rental Community Conversation on Orcas

October 3, 2019

Approximately 150 people attended the second Community Conversation on Vacation Rentals, held at the Orcas High School Cafeteria on Wednesday evening September 25, 2019. Introductions and a review of the agenda and process were presented by Diane Berreth. Yonatan Aldort, the appointed leader of the Vacation Rentals Working Group, delivered an opening comment. Five presentations ... read more

It’s “The Last Straw” for the San Juans!

November 1, 2018

Did you know that we use over 500 million plastic straws in the United States every day? And that by the year 2050 there will be more plastic trash in the ocean than fish? Friends of the San Juans, San Juan County Solid Waste and Marine Resources Committee, Orcas Recycling Services, and Lopez Solid Waste ... read more

SJC Comprehensive Plan Commenting Opportunity!

June 14, 2017

The Planning Commission and County Council are holding a hearing this Friday and need to hear comments on projected residential (AND VISITOR) population growth in the county for the next 20 years. This is the official start of public input on the update to the San Juan County Comprehensive Plan. Where: Friday, June 16, in Friday Harbor County ... read more

Commenting Open House – Xylene & Anchorages – 5/4!

May 1, 2017

Xylene in our Salish Sea? Ships parked in our island preserves? We resist! Come to the Commenting Open House to hear about two new project proposals harmful to islanders and orcas and learn how to say, “NO!” to these threats. Thursday, May 4th 2017, San Juan Island Grange Hall, 152 First Street, Friday Harbor, Drop in anytime from ... read more

Canada Approved the Kinder Morgan Project – What’s next?

December 2, 2016

Concerned by the national election results and now the Canadian government’s approval of the Kinder Morgan Transmountain Pipeline expansion? We are too. It is clear that our work at Friends is more difficult and more necessary than ever. With both threats and opportunities before us, let’s stand together to protect this place and the communities ... read more

Plastic Bag Ban Passes in San Juan County!

October 26, 2016

On October 25th, the San Juan County Council passed an ordinance that will ban single use plastic bags in the county as of May 1, 2017! Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen – Friday Harbor and Spring Street International middle schoolers who testified at the hearing (and pictured above), Friends supporters who ... read more

How can Islanders save 77 Million Gallons of Water this Year?

August 28, 2016

With summer underway, some islanders are already feeling the heat-and the drought. Some wells are already being starved of fresh water, which makes the rainy autumn season seem a long way off. As climate change affects our region, including our water tables, adopting climate resilient strategies for a sustainable future is critical. Islanders can do ... read more

We live in such a pivotal time. Future generations are depending on us to protect and restore what will be their environment. We support the Friends because they tackle the issues that really make a big difference in our local environment, while also squeezing maximum value out of every dollar in their budget.

Ken and Mariann Carrasco

members, Orcas Island