climate change

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Watch our new video – Planning for the Future: Benefits of Beach Restoration

April 4, 2017

Sea level rise and climate change: they’re what coastal communities around the globe are increasingly talking about and feeling the impacts of. Forward-thinking individuals and governments are taking steps to prepare. Our new video describes how healthy shorelines can adjust to rising seas and highlights the approach one family took to redeveloping their property that considered ... read more

Attend the Salish Sea Stands for Climate Action March!

March 30, 2017

Join us for a rally and march on April 29th in Friday Harbor on San Juan Island in solidarity with the People’s Climate Movement Marches throughout the world. Plus the march will end at an electric vehicle and renewable energy fair! The People’s Climate Movement and Mobilization is part of a larger strategy to push ... read more

It means so much to me to have helped protect the rural environment and natural beauty of the San Juan Islands during the 1980s and 90s. Now I get to share my appreciation of these beautiful islands with my grandchildren, too.

Nancy DeVaux

former Executive Director and member, San Juan Island