Attend the Salish Sea Stands for Climate Action March!

Join us for a rally and march on April 29th in Friday Harbor on San Juan Island in solidarity with the People’s Climate Movement Marches throughout the world. Plus the march will end at an electric vehicle and renewable energy fair!

The People’s Climate Movement and Mobilization is part of a larger strategy to push back on Trump’s agenda of climate denial and fossil fuel expansion, and show we support real climate solutions here in the San Juan Islands.

We need your energy, creativity, and leadership — to promote clean energy solutions in our islands and resist fossil fuel infrastructure projects. That’s our best chance of continuing to keep playing offense, even as we defend everything this administration wants to take away. Let’s mobilize!

We hope you’ll be part of it with us — and with the many partners and allies who are helping to make it all happen.

If we want to build the future we need, it will require us joining together to make change. See you on the 29th!

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It wasn’t until 1979 that San Juan County got a comprehensive growth plan and that was largely due to the Friends of the San Juan’s being there to advocate for the shoreline and the ecosystem. Since then, there have been constant waves of pressure by developers. Friends have risen each time, fighting to protect this fragile and precious place.

Liza Michaelson

member, San Juan Island